{70} Every 365 Days

just another new year yes and by marin yes & by marin how to live best life full authentic life yesandbymarin yes& by .png

Dear Reader,

It is another new year.
Another new year.
This happens every 365 days - for certain.
& although we often hold great weight upon the 60 second countdown, the New Years kiss, & the New Years resolution…
This is just another New Year.
It happens every 365 days.

I wish to take away some of the spectacle to remind us of what remains constant: You.
Your individual spirit, tendencies, fears, & dreams.
These authentic experiences live in your core & often stay consistent year after year.
I take away a little bit of the New Year spectacle to diminish some of its weight - to return that weight where it belongs: to you.
& if that already feels heavy, please know I am with you - ready to support as well.

Reflect upon the dream you proclaimed last year, followed through with for a month or a few weeks, & then let go - though you can’t quite remember when or how the habit fell.
Reflect upon the goal you set for yourself in 2019, & accomplished - but too soon. So you set another, & regardless whether you reached your second goal, your experience of success from the accomplishment of your first was missed - & so something feels off.
Reflect upon the resolution you set every year and fail to meet… because it isn’t your resolution, but the one society or your mother or your self-improvement book told you would lead you to a better life.

I can buy the “New year new you” slogan, if that’s what you desire.
What I remind us all, however, is that we start with today. And who we are today, is not so different than who we were yesterday.
Which means we take baby steps toward our goals.
Which means if we didn’t want it to work last year, we likely will not make it work this year.
Which means unless you honor your consistent tendencies, & fears, & a goals & processes that light YOU up - this new year will be no different.

You are capable of anything you desire.
I believe this, no doubt.
& you are also still you - even though the year has turned over.
Your preferences, true desires, habits, roadblocks… Those exist.
Embrace them, & utilize them -
As you walk into another new year.

In conclusion, Reader,
Happy New Year.
This happens every 365 days.

Who are you today? What do you truly desire? Knowing who you are at you consistent core, how can you foster your success?

Marin Laukka

As an Alignment Coach, I empower ambitious creators to choose authenticity - so you not only feel confident in your direction & purpose, but experience true happiness, fulfillment, & success while reaching your goals & making an impact.