{69} An Authentic Holiday

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Dear Reader,

Oftentimes my suggested focus centers around an inward gaze - Listening to our own heart, our voice, our desires & fears.

This holiday season, I invite you to shine your inner light to illuminate what surrounds you.

Holidays are a time for celebration, family, friends, gifts, snow covered trails along the lake. Holidays are also often met with expectations of what we should eat, who we should see, how much we should spend, & “When are you getting married?” “Are you working?” “When will I have grandkids?” “Have you graduated yet?”

It is human of us to ask for an update, especially from people we do not often see. & it is human of us to look ahead, in anticipation of the new year & the next stage.

So entertain the updates & anticipation - if that feels good. And. Remind yourself to start within. To trust your shared update, & the vision you paint. To honor what you chose this year, & what you choose today. To celebrate who you are in this moment.

Shine out your trust within; your authentic decisions, your authentic present moment.

Embrace your update to family that you are no longer in relationship, or no longer working with someone else’s dream company, or that you plan to leave the city. Proclaim proudly your promotion, big successes, & highlights of 2019. Share all of this, regardless how your aunt responds to your career change. Regardless of the fears unintentionally (or intentionally) shared by those around you.

Share what lights you up, & remain unapologetic about following your truth.

If your inner dreams are met with resistance, draw boundaries. Draw boundaries to safe harbor your light. Draw boundaries to allow it to shine even brighter, where it feels best - to foster its existence, & your trust in it.

This holiday season, shine light upon the incredible that surrounds you - no matter if it looks different than you thought it would. No matter if you long for something else, looking forward. See the beauty, the possibility, & the love that is - already. Hug those you love. Forgive. Celebrate. & enjoy the success that is your current reality.

This holiday season, give yourself permission to show up as you are - & nothing less. Mourn, cry, feel sorrow, if that is what holds your heart. Smile with freedom & glow if that is what lives in your core.

I invite you to shine your inner light to illuminate your true self & what surrounds you. This holiday season, I invite authentic you to shine.

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    Marin Laukka

    As an Alignment Coach, I empower ambitious creators to choose authenticity - so you not only feel confident in your direction & purpose, but experience true happiness, fulfillment, & success while reaching your goals & making an impact.