{71} Why you Must Enlist Support this New Year

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Dear Reader,
Your New Year’s ambition is inspiring.
Because of this, your New Year’s ambition may also feel daunting.

To start, I believe in you. I believe in the reality & true potential of your dream.
Whatever you are craving, longing for, & desire in the new year is possible -
Yes! It can happen, Yes.
The only way I would confidently proclaim your dream WILL happen in the new year, is if I knew you had also enlisted support.
Because bold, loud, nearly unfathomable dreams require bold, clear, unwavering support.
I deeply believe one of the most powerful forms of support for when we approach a big change & charge after our greatest dreams is one-on-one coaching.
I practice this level of support every single day -
From the perspective of coach, I have the honor to witness the unfolding of others’ incredible dreams; often, dreams they doubted were possible six months ago.
Of vital importance, I practice this level of support daily as a client & student, as well.

In my experience, coaching is the only way to ensure my dreams become reality.

Many times over, I have made bold claims; I have felt strong intuitive hits regarding an action or decision or goal countless times.
In those times when I had a coach by my side, my dreams manifested:
I felt supported through the fear so it did not overcome me, I was able to dig deep for clarity, direction, & adaptability when the “how” wasn’t as I initially planned it would be.
I felt confidence in the reality of my dream throughout my entire journey - because in moments when my confidence felt less powerful, I leaned into my coach - who, without a doubt, felt & saw & trusted my dream even more.
Because of my one-on-one coaches, I had the support to start my own business, quit misaligned work (on more than one occasion), stand firm in my decision to pursue a beyond-my-wildest-dreams relationship, & make friends when I moved to a brand a new city — just to name a few.

Alternatively, in times when I declared powerful desires & longed-for shifts but did not have a coach by my side…
I acted in alignment with my fear rather than strengthening the powerful voice that created my dream in the first place.
I got confused - following shiny objects & racing to complete an ever-growing task list that had lost focus.
I felt lost - I woke up a month into my pursuit & realized I hadn’t made any progress whatsoever. Moreover, I could not understand why or how I had gotten lost, because I could not see my own blind spots.
When I’ve dreamed great dreams in the past, but proceeded to believe I could do it alone, without any form of support - my dreams were simply postponed until I ultimately, always, enlisted coaching support.
This was the case when I ran in circles in an unsatisfied relationship, when I spent a semester head down in grad school literature, when I relied on the coffee conversations with my parents & friends to determine whether or not to keep my misaligned job…
On all occasions, I knew in my gut what was best; my desire, my calling, my longed-for action felt clear. & on all occasions, I eventually acted in alignment with this knowing - but only after I took the jump to finally enlist support.

This is my experience. & this is the experience I hear from countless clients who state their dream has been on their mind for years. Maybe they have tried to go after it, or maybe they never gave it a chance - in hope that it would disappear because it felt too scary.
Reader, your dreams do not disappear - even it it isn’t acted on this new year. & that longing in your chest deserves a loud, beautiful voice - finally.
So, what do you say? Is this your year of yes?
If it is, please take care of yourself along the way; have a partner by your side whose sole purpose is to support you & your dream.

Reader, your New Year’s ambition is inspiring, & I believe it is possible.
I also believe it will require support.

So set yourself up for success this new year.
Give your dream a chance.
Make it happen now - rather than six months from now or next new year.
& Enlist Support.
It doesn’t have to be me - though I would be honored to be your guide as you pursue how great you are this year.
But enlist support of some kind.
In my experience, this is the only way to ensure success.
Do it now, or do it later - & whenever you do, your dream will follow.

Marin Laukka

As an Alignment Coach, I empower ambitious creators to choose authenticity - so you not only feel confident in your direction & purpose, but experience true happiness, fulfillment, & success while reaching your goals & making an impact.