Is there a shadow side of generosity?

Is there a shadow side of generosity?

It wasn’t until recently, when I admitted feeling guilt and shame around money, that I started to understand the real (and surprising) reason I was so close-fisted with my cash. Today, I share these same inquiries, perspective shifts & life-changing money mindset practices with you. Follow along to answer: why are women more generous than men? To ask: can someone be TOO generous? Am I being too generous? And to practice: how can I make my life better with positive psychology and generous self care?

3 Steps to STOP People Pleasing & Trust Yourself

3 Steps to STOP People Pleasing & Trust Yourself

The first step to learn how to stop living someone else’s life & create a life true to you is to trust yourself to decide. Learn how to trust yourself to make decisions about the little things: what you want to wear today, how you want to spend your evening, what show to turn on or beverage to enjoy. Although small, each of these decisions helps you learn when to stop asking advice, supports you to build confidence in what you want & practice how to prioritize yourself over others.