{70} Every 365 Days

{70} Every 365 Days

I take away a little bit of the New Year spectacle to diminish some of its weight - to return that weight where it belongs: to you. & if that already feels heavy, please know I am with you - ready to support as well. You are capable of anything you desire. & you are also still you - even though the year has turned over. Embrace YOU as you walk into just another new year. 

{69} An Authentic Holiday

{69} An Authentic Holiday

This holiday season, shine light upon the incredible that surrounds you - no matter if it looks different than you thought it would; no matter if you long for something else, looking forward. Share what lights you up, & remain unapologetic about following your truth.

If your inner dreams are met with resistance, draw boundaries. Draw boundaries to safe harbor your light, & draw boundaries to allow it to shine even brighter, where it feels best - to foster its existence, & your trust in it.