{55} Reimagine: Time Management Techniques

time management challenge yes and by marin yes & by marin how to live best life full authentic life yesandbymarin yes& by .png

As I prepare to give a time management workshop to a group of business owners this week, I reflect on the relevance of this topic in our world today. Over the past month, numerous individuals approached me to share their planned attendance to the workshop - often commenting with a chuckle: “I really need this.”

Today, our world is “busy.” The conversation is starting to shift in some sects of the population - minimalism among the few trends that practice quality over quantity & question society’s current priority list. Even with an expanding variety in dialogue surrounding busy-ness, however, I find our belief systems (mine included) are still very tangled on the concept of busy as best & productivity as value.

Thus, as I develop & implement my time management system, balance & accountability are at the forefront of my mind. Intentionally so, my time management workshop does not center around efficiency or production - although tracking hours & goal attainment are included. At the center of my presentation (& action) is how to manage our time in a way that FEELS best, how to align our time with authentic values & strengths, and a recognition of the inevitable link between personal & work fulfillment.

Some examples I will share this week include: “I burned out when I was working 40-hour workweeks as opposed to 70 because the former involved work I didn’t love.” and: “I felt guilty for postponing my task list, but affirmed work quality when I realized over 70% of my goals were completed this year.” These examples highlight the important, useful combination of both quantitative & qualitative data; in other words, we must not only count our hours & consider our calendar, but check in what what works for our unique desires & definition of success.

I agree with the workshop participants who proclaim a need for time management. And. I wish to expand our perspective of what time management looks like - with particular challenge to the focus & purpose of implementing a time management system in our business practice.

I desire to continue shifting our “busy” mindsets to a compassionate, powerful practice of balance. I yearn to permit myself & those around me to rest & stay accountable not only to how many hours we spent making progress toward our business goals last week, but to how many moments of pure joy we allowed ourself to experience in the process. I crave a shared lifestyle of personal & work fulfillment - & ultimately believe they are one in the same.

I sincerely look forward to fostering a conversation about our relationship with time this week. And if you are unable to attend in person, I invite you to take one step toward authentic time alignment on your own. What part of your week lights you up? When do you feel most alive? What do you desire, but have not yet given time priority to?

Challenge beliefs that do not serve you. Be in the experiment. Experience your full, authentic life.

Marin Laukka

As an Alignment Coach, I empower ambitious creators to choose authenticity - so you not only feel confident in your direction & purpose, but experience true happiness, fulfillment, & success while reaching your goals & making an impact.