{54} How Delegation Empowers my Coaching

why i hired a marketing team yes and by marin yes & by marin how to live best life full authentic life yesandbymarin yes& by .png

For over a year, I spent an entire work day each week devoted to preparing & editing content for your eyes. To pull back the curtain: this involved writing a weekly blog (my favorite part), & then reformatting this blog into multiple, shorter stories for the purpose of Instagram. I would then edit a photo or text image for each post & schedule a time to publish each to my account. (For a few months this year, I also wrote out an outline, filmed, & edited a weekly youtube video. Whew!)

Although I enjoy & recognize the importance of providing consistent value for you (always 💛), I grew suspicious of how much time I was dedicating to this aspect of business.

When I consider my business priorities & passions, I list the following: one-on-one client work, in-person workshops & speaking events, writing, & advancement of my skillset & offerings. These are aspects of my business I ADORE & would never (could never) outsource; these are the aspects of Yes& that are rooted in my deep passion & calling.

It will always be me on the other end of the phone guiding new clients through a free trial session. It will always be me building a personal relationship with my one-on-one clients through transformational coaching & supportive messaging between calls. It will always be me translating my coaching tools & perspectives to eloquent, digestible words. It can only be me who completes a financial training course, so I can confidently speak to the ever-so-common money roadblocks that arise with clients. It will always be me who stands on stage at a SCORE workshop to share my empowering time management tool. It will always be me who sends you a private voice memo - simply because I care, truly, about you & how you’ve been since our last connection.

There are the aspects of my business that I could never outsource because I adore them & because they are from my heart. There are also aspects of my business that I feel dissonant with, because I recognize they are not my strong suit nor do I enjoy these tasks as much as others; therefore, I am not only spending my time doing things I don’t love - but I am being incredibly inefficient with these tasks because I don’t enjoy them. These are the areas of my business I can, & in fact I must, outsource. Because I want to spend my time with what I care about & with what you care about: my coaching & speaking & writing.

In conclusion, I am over-the-moon excited to recognize the opportunity I have with Yes& in this moment. I see with eyes wide open a means to give you MORE value by focusing on the work I love, in which I thrive most.

Introducing Nintey94, my new marketing team. Although I excitedly continue to write my own content, reply to your messages, & personally connect with you - I henceforth hand over the other aspects of my social media presence to an incredibly talented, personal team. The hashtags & photo edits & posting is now in their hands - so the coaching & speaking & writing can passionately remain in my own.

I share this transition with you in celebration: I celebrate myself for recognizing where I do & do not thrive. I celebrate taking notice of an opportunity to grow rather than remain in historic belief systems (e.g., I must do it all alone). I celebrate the possibility this creates for YOU as I become even more skilled & available to be your incredible coach.

Where might you apply this concept in your own business, career, or life? What could you delegate - be it to a team, to your kids, your partner…? What could you delete entirely - trusting your passions alone will maintain & surpass the success you desire? What partnerships - in business, perspective, & human life - would you be over-the-moon excited to enter? & What is one small shift you can make in this direction today?

Marin Laukka

As an Alignment Coach, I empower ambitious creators to choose authenticity - so you not only feel confident in your direction & purpose, but experience true happiness, fulfillment, & success while reaching your goals & making an impact.