{18} Four Essentials for New Years Success

new years resolution tips from a life coach Authentic alignment yesandbymarin yes& by marin align and experience your full authentic life.jpg

[&] Are you set up for success?

2019 is upon us. Many embrace the new year as an opportunity to set goals, make commitments, and take action. Being aware & having the courage to declare what you desire is a powerful step toward living your full, authentic life. Already, I am so proud of you. Congratulations on taking one step toward alignment!

My question for you: What have you set up for yourself to ensure your goal, commitment, or shift will be a lasting success?

In my experience as a coach and client, there are four components necessary to ensure success in the commitment to act: distinguish why, be SMART, have an accountabilibuddy, and gremlin action plan.

  • Distinguish why. Really get clear on why you desire this commitment, change, or goal. What do you believe this will add to your life? How is the experience to live a life before making this shift; why do you absolutely -not- want to maintain that status quo in 2019? What is possible once this goal is achieved? Imagine yourself already on the other side – how does it feel?! what is the experience?! Soak in the imagined elation as something to hold onto as you work toward the real experience.
  • SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. What is the change, exactly? Rather than, “I will go to the gym” find your unique version: “I will go to my local YMCA 2 times a week, for at least 2 months, so I have more energy to play with my niece.” This encourages your ability to check in – Am I doing what I set out to do? Is it having the impact I intended? Have I completed the goal (what’s next?)?
  • Accountabilibuddies are fantastic additions as we work to change a habit. Because it is a shift from your current lifestyle, I assume your declaration will not be ez pz lemon squeezy. Who can you turn to when it gets hard? Who could be your supportive cheerleader on the days you want to back out? How could this change be more enjoyable if you had someone to cheer for, as well, and celebrate the outcome together?
  • Lastly, a gremlin action plan is an innovative, proactive approach to your relationship with roadblocks. What roadblocks can you already predict will make an appearance? When you face that fear, challenge, or obstacle, what could you have already set in place to ensure you still continue toward your desire (alarm clock across the room, water glass on every table, coach on-call, journal entry framed on the wall, etc.)?

I hope these tips are supportive as you consider your resolutions this year: distinguish why, be SMART, have an accountabilibuddy, and gremlin action plan. I would LOVE to hear your 2019 NYR (accountabilibuddy 😉).

Furthermore, how else can Yes& support you as you take one step toward further alignment in 2019? What information would you like to learn through yesandbymarin YouTube videos, Faceboook and IG posts? What workshops would you be interested to attend? What free offerings (yoga videos, meditations, etc.) do you crave? Is this your year to accept one-on-one coaching support in your authentic pursuit?

Please comment below 👇 with requests & feedback!

{17} Thail& Perspective Shifts

thailand perspectives Authentic alignment yesandbymarin yes& by marin align and experience your full authentic life.jpg

As anticipated, my exploration in Thailand opened my mind to new possibilities, world views, & ways of life. Moreover, new perspectives were illuminated during my trip in one way I did not anticipate: I discovered a goose in a bottle.

(If you do not know the story of the goose in a bottle and would love to hear more, comment 🦆 below. For the sake of the current post: previously unrecognized, personal beliefs limited my potential.)

In Chiang Mai, I experienced new, unique cuisine – markets, fresh street food, and how to cook some of northern Thailand’s most popular dishes; I joyously rode in tuk tuks & nervously drove a moped on the left side of the road; I explored a culture of trusting customers to pay later, walked through beautiful temples, and felt safer than I do in the United States.

While in Thailand I also faced & reconsidered previously held, personal beliefs about travel: prior to Chiang Mai, I believed travel was unjustifiably expensive, unsafe, difficult, and unnecessary.

  • Unjustifiably expensive: my last-minute ticket to southeast Asia was not a penny. However, when I seriously looked at my budget in relation to the possibility of this trip, I quite easily rearranged to sponsor the journey. Once in Thailand, meals cost $1 to $3 and splendid hotels were less than $40 a night. I quickly experienced the reality of affordable travel.
  • Unsafe: From day one, I was surprised to feel an overwhelming sense of comfort in Chiang Mai. By the end of my trip, I realized I felt safer in Thailand than I did at home. For example: during my entire two-week trip, I was never cat called or uncomfortably approached by a stranger (something that happens daily as a female in the US).
  • Difficult: I feared I was a fool to plan this trip 10 days before departure. Yet from the time I booked my flights, shopped for travel essentials, packed, planned activities abroad, and flew across the globe and back – I experienced ease. This trip was a breath of fresh air.
  • Unnecessary: my nature to protect myself from questioning long-held beliefs led me to label travel as unnecessary because it felt out of reach (see points above). Once I realized the possibility of travel, I realized travel absolutely aligned with my authentic values & desires.

New perspective were certainly gained as I traveled abroad this December, && I was pleasantly surprised to realize this in more ways than one.


Where do you desire to experience a new perspective? What is one resource you could embrace today that would foster this exploration? What does support look like for you in that process?

Dare to explore, embrace your experience, nourish what is most authentic for you, and align to live your full, authentic life.