{16} How Living in Alignment brought me to Thailand

living in a alignment brought me to thailand Authentic alignment yesandbymarin yes& by marin align and experience your full authentic life.jpg

In 2014, I hired my first life coach >> my awareness of personal values, beliefs, desires, & un/related actions continues to increase

In 2016, I quit >> with a heightened understanding & respect for my intuition, I listened; I left two commitments that no longer served me, for the pursuit of my most full, authentic life

In 2017, I invested in a budgeting system >> my knowledge of the resources I have, need, & could do without / are nice to have furthers the alignment of my spending & values

In 2018, I was vulnerable >> the relationship with my coach (among other support) provided a strong context to explore, understand, voice, & live my authentic life


Thailand could have been an intimidating decision. In a time of financial ambiguity, in the throws (& excitement) of year one with Yes&, just a few months after connecting with the man I intended to meet on the other side of the world, planning just a few days before departure…

I purchased my plane ticket 10 days before departing to Thailand, & my decision was made with confidence & intentionality. This level of certainty, that I am currently living & continuously pursing my full, authentic life, is something I am extraordinarily grateful for - and something I can experience because of nurtured support systems with a deep, respected relationship with myself.

What is possible when you live in alignment? ((Share below!))

{15} The Planned & Unplanned

balance between planning and acceptance Authentic alignment yesandbymarin yes& by marin align and experience your full authentic life.jpg

I spoke to my current life, and felt sadness.

“I moved to the city I love, had the courage and resources to leave a misaligned project, immediately received an ideal job offer, am totally in love, depart for Thailand in three days, am energized by the development of my business…”

I listed off my life events to my coach earlier this week. “Wow,” was his reply.

Because he’s been my life coach for one year, we’ve traversed a multitude of events together. Without a doubt, I am awe-inspired by the life I currently live – and I never could have predicted this outcome when we began working together.

And that’s the thing. The realization of my inability to have predicted this life is what provoked my sadness.

You see, my current life is remarkable. Rewind to my previous coaching session when I sat in my office chair: I looked around and confidently (to my amazement) proclaimed, “I made it.” The events list disclosed at the beginning of my coaching call, and the beginning of this post, feels undoubtedly beautiful – and I am sincerely grateful.


I did not predict my current life. I did not plan to leave the project I began months ago, I did not anticipate accepting a full-time job three months after launching Yes&, I did not know I would have the opportunity or desire to book a last-minute ticket across the globe.

I did not plan this. I could not have planned this. And part of me was saddened by this realization, because a large part of me LOVES planning. “Is there even a point to develop plans and goals and aspirations, then?”

Yes. The answer is yes. Because although my plans do not, and may never, unfold exactly as I intentionally conjure – my vision nevertheless guides me toward my full, authentic life. I am not already working with Yes& full time, but I am involved, full time, with work that is fulfilling and progressive. I have not yet met my income goals, but I am living a life of abundance and ambition.

This week, I reconsidered the inquiry and recognition that plans are valuable && often do not go accordingly, no matter my will. This is great news.

On Monday I launched the Yes& Model Yoga Package. I invite you to step onto your mat and experience this practice exactly as you are. I invite you to inquire with your authentic alignment journey by holding your plans and expectations loosely – trusting that you, too, will land in a life of astonishment and gratitude.

As always, please reach out for additional support via any of my platforms or by visiting yesandbymarin.com

{14} Yes& Yoga Package Introduction

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Embody your alignment.

I have experienced countless benefits from bringing my challenges, successes, questions, and life experiences to my mat for exploration and nourishment. Alternatively – I consistently learn valuable lessons when I instruct and practice yoga that transfer to powerful understandings in my life off the mat.

Next week I launch the Yes& yoga package – a series of four 75-minute vinyasa flow classes uniquely tailored to your authentic alignment journey (the Yes& Model).

  • Sequence One: explore the gift of triggers, our innate cues to align
  • Sequence Two: experience the roadblocks that hinder our ability to align
  • Sequence Three: nourish the practice of living a full, authentic life
  • Sequence Four: align, celebrate, & express your full authentic self.

Learn more about the details of each class on this week’s yesandbymarin YouTube video, and keep your eyes open for the package launch NEXT WEEK!

Vinyasa flow to align and fully experience your authentic self. Pro-tip: click settings in the bottom right corner of this video to adjust your practice pace!

In the meantime, try on my yoga sequencing with my FREE Yes& Yoga offer:

Explore. Experience. Nourish. Align. Embody.