{13} Boundaries

what is best for you is best for me Authentic alignment yesandbymarin yes& by marin align and experience your full authentic life.png

What is best for you is best for me; what is best for me is best for our world.

As the holiday season begins, I invite us to take time to reflect on what is best for us.

My personal journey from exploration to alignment includes my increased awareness & understanding of what fuels my energy and what depletes it. Without labeling circumstances (or food or people or activities) as “good” or “bad,” I note what I need to show up as my best self. And when I show up as my best self, I believe I have my most positive impact on those around me (family over the holidays) and the greater world.

Some examples of the needs I have observed in myself in recent years:

  • When I do not move my body, I get cranky.
  • I feel better when I choose water.
  • Dancing is always a good idea (especially in living rooms).
  • If I allow work to overtake family time, value misalignment & dissonance leads to my threat to throw a computer out the hotel window.

The first step in the balance & boundary process is to explore. Observe when you’re happy. Observe when you’re frustrated or cranky. Brainstorm a huge list of ideas that may foster your ability to thrive & show up as your best self. What do you need? What is your best guess?

Once we explore, it is crucial to experience our experiment. Is the experience as you predicted it may be? Does it, actually, give you energy? Is it truly the balance you craved? Does it foster your ability to thrive? Is there another option you are more excited about? How does it feel to be in it? Notice the after effects – savor the benefits as motivation to continue living in alignment, especially when it feels tricky [[holidays]].

Thereafter, nourish what works. Continue to choose what is best for you. Find ways to make it happen – even when you’re traveling, even when life gets busy, even if the yoga studio is closed (access free yes& yoga online!). Why? My why is to show up in the world as my best, authentic self, to experience my full, authentic life. What is yours?

Boundaries & Balance // Yes& by marin Showing up as our best, authentic self requires an understanding of what we need to stay in balance - as well as the awareness, courage, and tact to observe accompanying boundaries.

Lastly, align. Continue to be in the experiment – explore, experience, nourish – and as you learn, take baby steps to align with your best self, to experience your best life. When an old habit or experience no longer jives, give yourself permission to shift to the alignment that is true for you today.

Hear more on this week’s yesandbymarin YouTube video. Please share your experiences, questions, and alignments! I would love to be of support in your journey.

{12} Future Self Meditation

future self meditation Authentic alignment yesandbymarin yes& by marin align and experience your full authentic life.png

Mid-meditation in 2014, I looked at a map of the United States.

“Wisconsin,” I thought, “That’s for sure where I will be in 10 years.” But I couldn’t go; as hard as I tried, I couldn’t land in Wisconsin… not even the Midwest. Instead, my mind guided my future self to California. “California!?” I was puzzled. I’d never dreamed of moving to California, I loved the Midwest… this had to be a mistake of my imagination.

Fast forward to graduate school, 2018. I’m seated in one of my best friend’s living room, discussing the wonder of meditation, I remember for the first time since choosing to pursue my Master’s degree: my Future Self Meditation completed FOUR years ago.


This extraordinary revelation, this meeting of past and present and future, occurred months ago. Still today I sit at my desk shaking my head in bewilderment. How did I know!? && How crazy is it that I not only knew, but simultaneously did NOT know; my Future Self Meditation four years ago invited me to California (I accurately predicted my future), yet I had no idea, at the time, WHY (I never wanted to live in California! – yet it turns out California was home to one of the only Positive Psychology programs in the country).

There are so many useful practices to adopt in our alignment toolbox (e.g., yoga – as we've have discussed over the last few weeks!) Meditation aids my alignment journey by fostering awareness, understanding, and a vision of my authentic self.

Predict Your Authentic Future! // Yes& by marin Join me this week in a meditation practice. I introduce and guide you through of my favorite future-self meditations. Find a personal, quiet place to enjoy your 20-minute authentic adventure! --- Yes& supports passionate individuals to align and experience their full, authentic life.

Are you ready for your “holy cats” moment? Visit yesandbymarin YouTube this week for a FREE, guided Future Self Mediation. Feel supported as you explore and experience your authentic self, && take one step toward your dream: a full, authentic life.

{11} New Perspectives

new perspectives Authentic alignment yesandbymarin yes& by marin align and experience your full authentic life.jpg

What else is true?

What does your body know? Can you access this wisdom (through running, or yoga, or stillness…)?

What is possible? (What else?)

One benefit of yoga is the ability to experience a new perspective.

Humans are creatures of habit - and although habits are beneficial for our wellbeing, we can also hold onto habits that no longer serve us.

Where might you benefit from a new perspective this week? What are your favorite ways to explore perspectives? (movement, coaching, travel, friendship, meditation, art...)

Please reach out for support, or head over to yesandbymarin youtube for further discussion!