{19} How to Live a Good Life

how to live a good life Authentic alignment yesandbymarin yes& by marin align and experience your full authentic life.jpg

How to live a good life:

Change your diet. Monetize your passion. “Degrees with the highest income!” Take a vacation. Work harder. Read this book. Do as [this successful person] did. Listen to your elders. Follow your gut. Attend this workshop. Receive your degree(s). Drop out like Bill Gates! Get fit. Embrace your body. Invest in yourself. Avoid debt. Meditate. Fall in love. But love yourself, first.



In the pursuit of a good life, we encounter an overwhelming amount of “solutions” from social media, how-to books, movies and magazines, inspirational speakers, colleagues, and family. Technically, Yes& adds another bullet-point to your list of options.

Here’s the difference:

Life coaching gives you the opportunity to pause, step back from the world’s million-page “how to” guide, and go IN. Life coaching asks what is best for YOU. What works for you? What are you ready for? What do YOU care about? What is YOUR ideal life – and how do you want to get there?

As your coach, I do not claim to know what my clients need or desire. I do not have an instruction manual or “5-step-guide.” But you do.

What I have are good questions, best practices for how to mirror your answers & stories & blind spots, and the unconditional passion & compassion to be with you in your exploration & hold you accountable on your journey. As your coach, I aid in the illumination of values, ambitions, and action steps you already know – even if you cannot yet articulate or see them on your own.



An athlete seeks a trainer not because he or she is incapable of training – but because they desire accountability, a new perspective, feedback, and tools to add to their already fruitful toolbox.

I do not have your solution, because I am not trying to “fix” you. You are not broken, you are curious. You are ready to pause the external seeking & step, more fully, IN to Your Authentic Life.

I invite you to schedule your 30-minute trial session today.

Marin Laukka

As an Alignment Coach, I empower ambitious creators to choose authenticity - so you not only feel confident in your direction & purpose, but experience true happiness, fulfillment, & success while reaching your goals & making an impact.