Yes& by Marin | Joyfully Financial Speaker + Joyful Budgeting Coach

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{93} When Finances Ruin Your Relationship with Yourself | 4 Reasons, & 1 Easy Solution

VIdeo Length: 8 minutes & 18 seconds

Video Transcription Below, edited slightly for clarity

Today we're talking about finances. Maybe you have heard before that finances are one of the leading causes for divorce. In fact, a quick search shows that this is oftentimes what people are asking in search engines. 

Why is finance the leading cause of divorce?

How to deal with finances in marriage? 

When finances cause havoc in relationships?  


What if this was also happening in your own relationship with yourself?


Finances are a really important topic & it's my intention to bring this to the surface so you can use this to empower yourself toward your best life, rather than inhibit yourself from your best life


So, in today's Weekly Spark, we are talking all about why your finances are so freaking important & what you can do to step into an empowered place of financial gain & financial profit & financial wellness. (Rather than sabotage yourself from experiencing all of these things that you desire in your core.)

A great example I am thinking of as I'm speaking to you today is one of my clients, specifically who felt so much resistance & overwhelm when it came to her financial situation that it was impacting every single one of our coaching sessions. It came up every time because it was a stressor, because it was on her mind, because it felt so limiting & debilitating


Once we brought that to the surface & we really started talking about finances, & specifically about her beliefs & her perceptions about finances, it changed the game completely. Because of that work, she was able to see & welcome an opportunity that was right in front of her -- her dream job that she would not have otherwise seen had it not been for our financial conversations


So that's what I want to do for you today. I have four different reasons to answer why finances are so freaking important & one easy thing you can do to propel yourself forward toward the financial freedom & the financial luxury that is in your core, desired by every single one of us. 


Here are four reasons why finances are so freaking important. Number one, because we never talk about them. Why this is important to address is because if we never talk about something in the first place, then it's going to live under the surface. It's going to take a form of its own without intention, without our knowledge, & therefore it's likely to sabotage us in sneaky ways that we don't even know about. 


Furthermore, there's something called the self-fulfilling prophecy. The self-fulfilling prophecy is that when we believe something about ourselves, or when we're told something about ourselves, we literally create that reality. So, if we're told before a test that we are one of the gifted students, we perform better. This is backed by years of psychology studies. 


On the flip, if we're told that we're not gifted, we will perform less. We will perform less well than our colleagues. 

This happens in our financial reality as well


If we think we are good with money, then we will be good with money. If we think money is the world, money will be abundant in our world, if we think money is limiting, & we're horrible at tracking our expenses, guess what, we're likely going to be horrible at tracking our expenses, & feel the limitation of money as we create that within our world. 


Of course, there are circumstances (& everyone has a different situation) however, our belief system & how we view money & how we perceive money is something that every single one of us has control over. & so, let's get aware of & let's build our awareness of what this is, & take control of what we can take control of to set ourselves up for the biggest amount of success possible, for all of us. 


Second reason why finances are so freaking important is because finances are an energy exchange, when it comes down to it. One of my favorite books is The Soul of Money When it comes down to it, finances are just a way to exchange energy. It's a way just like in the old days, we exchanged goods, we made trades. 


That's how we made the world. That's how we propelled the world forward. Here, with money with tangible coin & dollars, we're exchanging something that is of value & if we're not open to the financial conversation, or we have a limiting belief about our finances, it literally inhibits us from exchanging energy with those we care about, the things that we want to propel forward in our life, & from receiving that energy for ourselves. 


Third, finances are freaking important to talk about because it is where I see my clients self-sabotage the most (& myself, historically speaking, self-sabotage the most). 

& last, why are finances so freaking important to talk about? Because finances & our financial beliefs & our financial circumstance is super easy to change. This is something you can choose to believe or not. But this is something I have witnessed time & time again, because we don't talk about finances as it is & so even inviting ourselves into this conversation already does so much for us, for our world & for our communities.


Because we don't talk about finances & because finances are the center point of businesses, of our lives, of our relationships, as we opened with. When we put ourselves into these experiments, into these financial experiments, when we put ourselves into these experiments, we are impacting our entire lives.


We touch every part of our life & we have the opportunity to benefit every single part of our life, from our careers, & our dream jobs to our dream lives, to our well-being, to our relationships, to our relation with our communities around us. There's so much possibility here to increase our self-awareness -- to increase our opportunities & to impact the world. 


So as promised, those were four reasons why finances are so freaking important to talk about & here is your one easy solution to start making progress in this area of your life. Yes& Experience in November. What if you had a step-by-step process to walk you through your financial beliefs, to look at your financial spending in relation to what you value, desire & strive for?


Look at how you receive money, put yourself in an experiment & reflect on how you want to be in relationship with money moving forward. What if that was all laid out for you in bite sized pieces in a manageable space -- in a safe & welcoming & coachable & supportive space? Well, it is.


That’s why this is so easy. The November Yes& Experience is all about purpose driven finances. I will help you throughout November in bite sized pieces, step-by-step, look at finances as a big picture item of your life that impacts not only your dream career, but your relationships, your relationship with yourself, your well-being & your opportunities. 


Just like every single month, you will have one practice a week to focus in on & get really curious. To explore, to gain insights about your relationship with money, again, from your beliefs, from your spending from your receiving, putting yourself in an experiment to start to shift toward your ideal relationship with money. & then ultimately to reflect & put a plan in place for yourself moving forward so that your finances start to feel expansive, empowering, & like you imagined them to always feel.


It is truly right in front of you. What you desire, what you've been working toward for so long is right here, you can get started for as little as $19 a month. If you want the additional (really powerful) group coaching calls, it's $49 a month & if you want to up level -- if you want to really go into this & uncover what has been under the surface, what has been sabotaging yourself (for maybe years or decades) & the opportunity’s available for you then join as a VIP member & get one hour of one-on-one support with me for $349. 


These prices are going away at the end of 2020. Plus, this challenge - Financial Alignment - is only taking place in November. So, if you want this work, if you want to dive in, if you want to change your financial world, now is the time check out or if you want to jump straight there:, choose your package & join the Yes& Experience. We're starting on Sunday. See you then!

If you enjoyed this exercise and would like to integrate these types of concepts and practices in your life, Yes& has recently launched a group program called the Yes& Experience. Each month, we focus on one concept and you get exercises delivered directly to your email, and have the opportunity to join group coaching calls and dive even deeper, together. 

 Prices will rise soon as we are growing, so be sure to check it out now and take advantage of our Founder’s rates starting at just $19 per month.

Until then, you know where to find me on Instagram on YouTube. These videos will be happening every Tuesday now, so look forward to those and get on my mailing list so that you can receive replays, and also receive the PDFs that accompany each little mini workshop.

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