{84} How to Build a Spacious Schedule

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I am a proud planner. I love my calendar, I thrive with a task list, & I feel safe when life feels predictable. And. I experience expansiveness & joy when I am lost in the moment. It feels amazing when I ask myself & thereafter follow “what would feel good right now?”

Many of my clients face a similar predicament: thriving with plans - yet longing for freedom, enjoying accomplishment - & despising expectation, valuing autonomy - while desiring structure.

If you feel similarly, read this post with curiosity. This is how I combat the interesting dichotomy of a spacious schedule.

Tip 1: Batched Time Whether you are within one day, one week, a month, or a year - batching similar activities can provide great benefit for efficiency, accountability, & space because batching work reduces squirrel syndrome - also known as shiny object syndrome, task-switching, or “multi-tasking.” Batching work in the way I’m about to explain fosters spaciousness because it STARTS with what you truly value & care about.

“How” you do this will vary person to person, of course, though all of us can utilize the outline of three different layers: your big vision, your stepping stones, & scheduled accountability.

Layer one: What is my ultimate vision? When I imagine my life 10 years from now, what are the central components of my business, & what are the most important aspects of my life?

I’ll use myself for a tangible example: With Yes&, my ideal business consists of one-on-on coaching, consistent writing, & expansive speaking. I live a healthy lifestyle, prioritize family & relationships, & I dance through my days with heartfelt, lively energy. This is my big vision.

Layer two: What will it take to actualize my vision, & what do I choose to focus on first?

Again, using myself as an example: If my ultimate business vision includes coaching, writing, & speaking, I of course must build each of these three business pillars. I’ve chosen to focus my years with one “in action” pillar & one “in development” pillar. In 2020, one-on-one coaching is my action focus, & writing is my development. Similarly, I can focus personal goals (e.g., living a healthy lifestyle), into smaller focus areas (e.g., physical strength).

Layer three: With clear stepping stones in place, we can further batch yearly goals into monthly, weekly, &/or daily goals.

Personally, I’ve created a weekly review system & schedule each goal into my daily calendar. Just as I encourage with my clients, I encourage you to create an accountability system that feels amazing for you. Even if the goals are aligned with your greater vision, if your accountability system feels awful - you likely won’t feel spacious with your time.

Tip 2: Boundaried Flexibility In my experience as a coach & in my own work, we waste enormous amounts of time if we force ourself to do something that feels dreadful in the moment. Alternatively, when we follow our energy, tasks are completed at mind-blowing speed!

With this in mind, although I set goals for each week (the boundary), I remain flexible in when I complete my goals within that week. The key here is to hold myself accountable (time-specific goals), while not forcing something just because it was originally scheduled at that time (follow the energy).

Furthermore, while I have full permission to do what feels good, I continuously remind myself of the MAIN focus in the present week, month, & year. In other words, there are two “feel good” opportunities at all times - the short term, & the long term - & it is all a beautiful balance.

“Boundaried flexibility” could also be termed “Planned Spontaneity.” Although this seems to contradict itself, this is exactly what our “autonomous type A” personalities are asking for. For example, I reserve 1.5 hours at 3pm every day for “movement.” I do not, however, predetermine what type of movement I will do until I arrive at the hour. For you, maybe this is maintaining full blank days off - & reminding yourself that you can truly do whatever feels good in the moment, for an entire day - every single week.

Tip 3: Prioritize Values To truly feel spacious, we must start valuing our values. What I mean by this, is we MUST flip the script around what society has historically labeled “unproductive,” “luxurious,” & “selfish.”

As depicted in my 10-year vision, my values include relationships, health, & personal development. This means that every single week - & in fact, every single day - I reserve time to these values, regardless if I or anyone else deems them as “worthwhile.”

Thus: To keep myself accountable for a balanced work-life blend, I implement a mandatory 2-day off workweek. To value my relationships, I permit myself space for coffee dates, weeknights with Tyler, & prioritized family vacations. To represent my value of health & an energetic lifestyle, I reserve time to prep delicious food.

These times are not “nice to haves” in my schedule. The coffee date will not be moved because I’m stressing over my email inbox. My day off will not be canceled because a colleague requested our meeting to occur on that day. Life-giving food is not optional.

In summary, batch your time based on your values, permit yourself to shift within feel-good limits, & continuously remind yourself of what truly matters. Theses three elements have allowed me to create my own spacious schedule - & I hope they are helpful for you, as well.

Marin Laukka

As an Alignment Coach, I empower ambitious creators to choose authenticity - so you not only feel confident in your direction & purpose, but experience true happiness, fulfillment, & success while reaching your goals & making an impact.