{80} Suffering & Relief: A confusing dichotomy

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I wish to sit wth you in the midst of novel & uncertain times to remind you that you are good enough, already & always -
That your feelings are valid & okay,
& that you have permission to do what is best for you.
…Yes, especially in times such as this.

For some of us, this looks like grief.
For others, it is a huge sigh of relief;
Pounds lifted off your shoulders because space & calm & time were exactly what you needed right now.

Many of my clients over the past week expressed confusion in such dichotomy: not wishing for our current circumstance… while admitting they had longed for it.
They questioned if it was okay to admit relief & gratitude while knowing many others are experiencing some of the hardest moment of their life.
I, too, felt this dissonance as I celebrated three new, amazing clients last week.

What if both were true?
What if our world can experience simultaneous chaos & stillness?
Consider: embracing & even enjoying this time does not make you a bad person.

I, for one, am a firm believer that when we follow what brings us joy & love & freedom - we foster others’ ability to do the same.
On the contrary: if you force yourself to suffer & blame & dim your light - right now, especially - there would be one less hero in a story that needs you most.

So, potentially our answer is, “yes, &…”

Yes, always, you have permission to feel exactly how you feel - & to do what is best for you.
And, we must also embrace the exciting & difficult consequences.

For me, this is recognition & respect that not everyone wants to list the silver linings right now. Thus, although I continue to speak of them, I respect & encourage you to draw a healthy boundary if my words do not feel good to hear (unfollow & unsubscribe from me, so you may follow & subscribe to you.)

What might this dichotomy look like for you? & how can I support you best, to ensure we all remain well, taken care of, & ignited with what brings us to life?

Marin Laukka

As an Alignment Coach, I empower ambitious creators to choose authenticity - so you not only feel confident in your direction & purpose, but experience true happiness, fulfillment, & success while reaching your goals & making an impact.