{74} 5 Steps to Ignite Your Voice & Find Authentic Success

five steps for authentic success yes and by marin yes & by marin how to live best life full authentic life yesandbymarin yes& by .png

For me, the realization hit in the midst of graduate school. I began to question how a path that was full of stress & "grind" mentality - a path that ironically promoted the opposite of the “good life" we studied - could lead to what I imagined success would feel like: happiness, joy, satisfaction, ease, expansion….

It's as if I could play out my future: if I continued down the path I was on, I would study hard, earn my A's, grind to get a publication, apply for professorships across the nation, only to stress out over tenure...

If that was "success," I didn't want it. So, I quit.

I have heard this story from so many people. Oftentimes, however, the realization isn't one of foresight, but hindsight - after individuals already went down the path toward promised success - only to experience a phenomenon so well-known it has its own name: the "mid-life crisis."

The great news, is it's never too late nor too early to pause this game. I gave myself permission to ask if my current path was what I truly desired, I gave myself permission to say no, & I gave myself permission to courageously ask myself what it was I DID desire. I then ran after in full speed, trust, & joy (intermixes with some moments of “I need to go for a walk” overwhelm, of course. I am only human.)

Today, it is my honor & mission to give you the same permission I gave myself years ago.

Is this the life you truly desire? If you have "achieved success," will you dare to ask if this is what you thought it would be? Or do you feel, in your gut, there must be something more?

That little spark of passion you feel - sometimes with excitement & creativity, at other times with total fear & discomfort - is trying to speak YOUR truth: What does YOUR success actually look like?

Here is your five-step guide as a perfect starting point to Ignite Your Voice & Discover Your Authentic Success:

If you're ready to dive in & finally experience your Authentic Success, schedule your free, no-obligation call to learn how Yes& can support you.

Marin Laukka

As an Alignment Coach, I empower ambitious creators to choose authenticity - so you not only feel confident in your direction & purpose, but experience true happiness, fulfillment, & success while reaching your goals & making an impact.