Yes& by Marin | Joyfully Financial Speaker + Joyful Budgeting Coach

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{20} You Have Enough

Two go-to excuses: I don’t have enough time, & I don’t have enough money.

When I was a senior in high school I started voice lessons only to quit a few weeks in. “I don’t have enough time.” My instructor looked me dead in the eye and said, without apology, “no, you’re just not making time.”

Initially, I was offended and defensive. “No way! I dance x hours a week, I’m in two AP classes, I have x hours of homework plus university applications to complete…!” But she was right: I had enough time. Although I could deliver a similar list of excuses today, I truly believe there is always enough time.

I am not here get a rise out of you, but rather share a powerful shift in language that uncovers powerful beliefs for me and my clients. Once uncovered, we may either deduce these beliefs are true for us OR realize our current time, money, and value beliefs are woefully inauthentic or misaligned. This provides an opportunity for us to reevaluate, shift, & experience greater alignment.

In sum: It is not about the money. It is not about the time. It is about values & priorities.

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Do you truly not have enough money to buy a new car? Or do you prioritize weekend hangouts that equate to the cost of a vehicle over the course of one year?

Do you truly not have enough time to make breakfast? Or did you prioritize Instagram for 30 minutes after your alarm went off?

Do you not have time to call your parents? Or is your value of family connection fulfilled with one monthly call, rather than someone else’s weekly expectation?

Do you not have enough money to hire a coach? Or do you not, at this time, value the support a coach would provide?

Importantly, none of the above are bad or wrong (nor are they good or right). They just are. I didn’t value voice lessons in high school enough to sacrifice my time in the dance studio. Six years later, I spent money I “didn’t have” & time that “didn’t exist” to sing my heart out every week during grad school. The circumstance stays the same – we can always feel busy and we will always spend money. It is a mindset shift - from scarcity to abundance.

There is always enough money. There is always enough time.

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What do you value? Would someone conclude those values after reading your bank statement? Do you see your authentic values in your calendar?

Align & Experience your Full, Authentic Life.

If you’re ready to explore this perspective & actionably align alongside accountability and support, schedule your trial session at