{21} This is Life (or death)

this is life Authentic alignment yesandbymarin yes& by marin align and experience your full authentic life.jpg

Am I serious when I say the decision in front of you is life or death?


For the individual who is questioning whether to pursue a note of inquiry, a feeling that there’s something you must pay attention to:

I dare you to listen.

A deeper part of you (intuition, higher power, universe) is trying to tell you something. Regardless the language or intensity of this knock, recognize it as your innate wisdom. At times, it shows up as a fire-y passion within your chest, sometimes as a voice in the back of your mind, sometimes as a physical necessity – such as to stand up from your seat and walk out the door.


This is your authenticity’s will to survive. It is noting that you are not living your most authentic life; it is telling you there is some greater way for you to show up.

These hints will show up again and again and again… undeniably proclaiming: “This is important.” “Please listen. I am showing you the way.” Because your authenticity wants to thrive.

And yes - maybe this knock feels annoying, or scary, because it inevitably implies change.


Change can lead to a life full of that feeling you felt, that one time, when you were totally alive. Change can be a profound, positive shift toward the life in which you truly thrive.

Your knocks are guiding you toward your full, authentic life. Your decision to follow them is the crossroads between life experienced and life evaded.

Allow me emphasize: the decision to follow what calls you is the crossroads between life experienced and life evaded. That is what I mean when I say: this is life or death.

Align & fully experience your authentic life. Comment 🎉 below if you agree

Marin Laukka

As an Alignment Coach, I empower ambitious creators to choose authenticity - so you not only feel confident in your direction & purpose, but experience true happiness, fulfillment, & success while reaching your goals & making an impact.