{7} What is life coaching?

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There is a set of commands exchanged between partners to ensure climbers are safe to begin their journey on the rock: “On belay?” “Belay on.” “Climbing?” “Climb on.”

In other words, the climber asks her or his partner: “You’ve got me?” to which the partner responds, “I’ve got you.” “Can I start my journey?” “Let’s do it.”

Rock climbing is a beautiful metaphor for many aspects of the authentic alignment journey. Today, I remind you of the support I offer as your "belay partner" in your climb toward alignment.


I’ve got you. Yes, YOU. I see you. I hear you. You’ve been reading my posts and following my accounts, aching for more but hesitant to initiate the climb.

So here we are again. Me, seated at my desk to write you a love note. You, again, logged in to read this week’s post.

What are you seeking? Do you crave more information to guide your journey toward a full life experience? Are you living vicariously, watching in admiration because I took the leap of faith to align with my most honest, aligned life – and although you desire alignment as well, some powerful roadblocks prevent your commencement?

I see you. I hear you. Yes, I’ve been listening. You’re ready… && a little scared. You’re ready… && something prevented you from clicking “Purchase Yes& Coaching” at yesandbymarin.com

Good news: I’m ready, too. I’m ready to answer your questions, to experience the jitters you have about coaching with you, to grant you permission && provide you the opportunity to try on a coaching relationship (without pressure to commit long-term!)

I see you. I’ve been listening. And I promise I will catch you. “Belay on." "Climb on.”


Click "work with me" to schedule your FREE 60-minute introduction to coaching session with Yes&. No strings, no obligation. And if you’re thinking “Maybe, but…” comment your hesitation below; speak your authentic truth. Everything is welcome here, && it’s showing up that counts.

{6} The Gold Star

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"Because, in my experience, if I turn down the hard stuff I inevitably turn down the delicious."

Sometimes it’s not exciting.

The full, authentic life: the gold star of Yes&, my stake in the ground, and my answer to WHY I do what I do.

Elation and happiness are a glorious part of the full, authentic life – YES!

AND, I believe my full, authentic life also includes the less comfortable experiences and emotions: incredible grief, deep-pitted remorse, frustration and heartache, confusion and fear. Sometimes, it’s not thrilling. Sometimes it doesn’t show up through joyous laughter or a content smile as I snuggle up in bed.

Yet, no matter the discomfort, I want it ALL. I do not strive to turn down any feelings or experiences nor eliminate them from my life. Why? Because in my experience, if I turn down the hard stuff I inevitably turn down the delicious.

During a session last week, my client courageously voiced how their 6-month dream was about more than excitement and inspiration. Although these feelings are certainly present, there was also the anticipation of hard work, fear, and discomfort. Of course! That’s the GOOD NEWS! It reminded me of a metaphor offered by Cynthia Occelli, “For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out, and everything changes. To someone who doesn’t understand growth, it would look like complete destruction.”

The full human experience, ALL of it, is an incredible gift. In times of delight our gratitude may come more naturally, AND can we extend that same gratitude to all the pain and triggers that act as our guide to be bold, to grow, and transform; to follow our hearts because we also EXPERIENCE the unbearable dissonance of our status quo.

So, yes, the full authentic life is about more than inspiration and contentment. (That is one beautiful, magnificent part. And.) The full, authentic life is so much more.

I aspire to live my life in all its corners. It is my purpose to assist others to do the same.

Comment one word to describe your current full, authentic life experience. Rapture? Sorrow? Fire? Awe?

{5} Practices & Outcomes

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My client was SO INSPIRED that it didn’t feel appropriate to start her model with triggers and roadblocks.

First off – holy cats!!! How incredible is this level of inspiration!? My heart is overflowing with joy, pride, and love. What a great example of how much growth can occur after coaching together for over six months; what a beautiful example of the power that is authentic alignment.

Second – YES. I developed the yes& model as a guide to assist the authentic alignment process. It is intended for personalization, adaption, and r e p e t i t i o n. Authentic alignment looks different on every individual && will FEEL different within each person, dependent on our current experience.

So, just as I coached with the incredible individual quoted above, let’s talk about practices:

Practices are the heart of Yes& Coaching. Together, practices create a beautiful, nonlinear journey to initiate, explore, experience, nourish, and align. Short- and medium-term outcomes provide feedback for both you and I (your coach) as we venture towards authentic self expression.

Ready to hear some examples? Check out this week’s youtube video and follow me on Instagram.

COMMENT BELOW for some #accountability. What small step toward alignment are you ready to take?