{5} Practices & Outcomes

practices outcomes Authentic alignment yesandbymarin yes& by marin align and experience your full authentic life.png

My client was SO INSPIRED that it didn’t feel appropriate to start her model with triggers and roadblocks.

First off – holy cats!!! How incredible is this level of inspiration!? My heart is overflowing with joy, pride, and love. What a great example of how much growth can occur after coaching together for over six months; what a beautiful example of the power that is authentic alignment.

Second – YES. I developed the yes& model as a guide to assist the authentic alignment process. It is intended for personalization, adaption, and r e p e t i t i o n. Authentic alignment looks different on every individual && will FEEL different within each person, dependent on our current experience.

So, just as I coached with the incredible individual quoted above, let’s talk about practices:

Practices are the heart of Yes& Coaching. Together, practices create a beautiful, nonlinear journey to initiate, explore, experience, nourish, and align. Short- and medium-term outcomes provide feedback for both you and I (your coach) as we venture towards authentic self expression.

Ready to hear some examples? Check out this week’s youtube video and follow me on Instagram.

COMMENT BELOW for some #accountability. What small step toward alignment are you ready to take?

Marin Laukka

As an Alignment Coach, I empower ambitious creators to choose authenticity - so you not only feel confident in your direction & purpose, but experience true happiness, fulfillment, & success while reaching your goals & making an impact.