{4} Roadblocks & Support

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Trigger: I hate my job, and my wellbeing is sacrificed because of it.

Wow! Even if you are aware of a trigger such as this - alignment can feel overwhelming to consider, let alone achieve. Do I quit my job? What about rent? What about my brother’s excitement that I was finally his business partner? What if every job feels this way, and even if I changed positions I’d end up with the same trigger time and time again?

Roadblocks are the beliefs, actions, or mindsets that hinder our ability to act in alignment after the experience or awareness of a trigger. In other words, roadblocks prevent us from acting in alignment with our most authentic self. They often capitalize on fear and scarcity, and can feel POWERFUL if left unexplored. (Have you seen “The Babadook”?)

&& I have good news: if we have the courage to voice and explore our roadblocks, they become just another piece of data to consider in the MUCH larger picture.

For example: “What about rent?” is lack of resource roadblock, and it is, indeed, useful information to consider. However, that data point alone would not necessitate continued work in your current, ill-inducing job. Where else could you produce income? Could you move to a cheaper home, or a less expensive city? Where can you cut back in your budget, such that rent becomes a non-issue? Do you value expensive material goods, or work you are passionate about? (Do you believe that has to be an either-or question?)

It may be beneficial to initiate support during the exploration of such trigger/roadblock tandems.

&& I have more good news. That’s what I’m here for!! That is also what friends are for, and inspirational podcasts, and nature walks and chalkboards and coloring books and, yes, PUPS!

Feel supported through my weekly YouTube videos (this week: personal roadblock examples, and the utility of support!) and as always, check out my website for free and paid resources created with YOU in mind!!

I am here for you – always.

{2} The Yes& Model, & Triggers

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My Master’s degree included a co-concentration in Evaluation. For over two years I have applied my evaluation skillset directly as a professional evaluator (feel free to browse my resume in “Additional Resources” at yesandbymarin.com). Upon the development of Yes&, I also discovered great value in the application of evaluation tools, practices, and thought processes within my other disciplines - coaching and yoga.

Exhibit A: The Yes& Model. Just as Logic Models assist evaluators, programs, and organizations to outline resources, activities, and intended outcomes, the Yes& model organizes and visually depicts my unique coaching process.

Every week I will be posting across Yes& media platforms to bring you my latest news and resources (YouTube Tuesdays, Facebook Wednesdays, Instagram Thursdays, && Blog Fridays). This week, I am introducing the Yes& Model and starting off a model series with more information about the Trigger resource.

Find my model playlist on youtube for an introduction to my model and coaching process, as well as an explanation of Yes& Triggers. Keep your eyes open for more info, examples, and activities throughout the week!