{2} The Yes& Model, & Triggers

model Authentic alignment yesandbymarin yes& by marin align and experience your full authentic life.jpg

My Master’s degree included a co-concentration in Evaluation. For over two years I have applied my evaluation skillset directly as a professional evaluator (feel free to browse my resume in “Additional Resources” at yesandbymarin.com). Upon the development of Yes&, I also discovered great value in the application of evaluation tools, practices, and thought processes within my other disciplines - coaching and yoga.

Exhibit A: The Yes& Model. Just as Logic Models assist evaluators, programs, and organizations to outline resources, activities, and intended outcomes, the Yes& model organizes and visually depicts my unique coaching process.

Every week I will be posting across Yes& media platforms to bring you my latest news and resources (YouTube Tuesdays, Facebook Wednesdays, Instagram Thursdays, && Blog Fridays). This week, I am introducing the Yes& Model and starting off a model series with more information about the Trigger resource.

Find my model playlist on youtube for an introduction to my model and coaching process, as well as an explanation of Yes& Triggers. Keep your eyes open for more info, examples, and activities throughout the week!


Marin Laukka

As an Alignment Coach, I empower ambitious creators to choose authenticity - so you not only feel confident in your direction & purpose, but experience true happiness, fulfillment, & success while reaching your goals & making an impact.