Yes& by Marin | Joyfully Financial Speaker + Joyful Budgeting Coach

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{89} Clarify Your Direction & Take Your Next Best Step

Video Length: 19 minutes & 36 seconds

Transcription below, edited slightly for clarity

Today I'm talking to the high achievers.

I’m talking to the high achievers that have checked all the boxes, you've done the prescription already & part of it feels off, something still feels a little misaligned.

Furthermore, right now, in this wild 2020 world, you see your opportunity, you see a chance to do something differently. & yeah, it's a little scary, because it's different. But I'm encouraging you to go for it & I'm going to be your support & that foundation in the midst of uncertainty, so that you take a step forward & you take a step forward with intention & authenticity. So, that's what we're talking about today. 

Clarify your direction, take your next best step. I'm going to tell you how you can do that & how that could happen for you by the end of October. Maybe a little insight into your future would be like my client who is starting his math tutoring business in just a few days, officially launching it. Every session, he beams with excitement, because he can't believe that he has built his dream business, his dream job, & in turn his dream life.


As we explore through coaching with him & with all of my clients & with all of you in The Experience, what impacts one part of our life & the insights we gain in one part of our life also impacts & has an effect on the rest of our life. All the elements of our life are definitely interwoven. So why am I so confident about me being able to help you clarify your direction & take your next best step to utilize this time as a true catalyst to step into something that you're really proud about? You're really proud to live? Because I've intentionally set up my October experience to be your guide. But, before we get there, before we go into The ExperienceI want to start with a story. 


I had a consult call with a wonderful individual just yesterday. We connected on a lot of things, including Ph. D journeys in Psychology. What came up in this conversation & not only with her, but with so many of my consults, is that we often try on a prescriptive path, & a prescriptive definition of what success is before realizing what our own is


Now the important thing & the powerful piece that came from our consult - my consult with this woman yesterday - is when we have the space & we take a step back to consider what our version of success is, to consider our own definitions & our own desired pathway forward. Sometimes that opportunity doesn't come until a quarter life crisis or a midlife crisis. Sometimes that opportunity may not ever be presented to us. & so, we wait. Or we are okay with “fine.”


We just continue checking the boxes, we think one day we're bound to wake up & feel successful because we've done all the right things, right? Everyone around us seems to feel that this is success. Everyone around us feels that this is good enough. This is fine, this feels good. & so, we keep on keeping on until when? When do we give ourselves permission to ask what we really desire? To ask if we are fulfilled? 

Sometimes we don't do this because the opportunity isn't presented for us


Sometimes we don't do this because it's scary to consider that what we have been doing (maybe for many, many years) isn't what we want to be doing moving forward. 

Sometimes we think that the day will come when we'll be able to take a step back & we'll be able to create space & consider what our definition of success is or maybe build some foundations some “have to do first,” we have to first get a degree & then we firsthave to get a real job. & then we first have to check all these boxes before we give ourselves permission to do what we want to doto even ask the question of what we want to do. 


But when we do have the space, when we create the space, or when we see (as my client did yesterday on our consult call) right NOW is the time is the time to ask the question about what you really want to do.

Sometimes for some of you, it's COVID. It's an external thing that has come in & has given you the opportunity to ask these questions. Has given you the opportunity to get laid off from your job & so suddenly, you have the chance to pursue your own business that you said “one day”, whenever you have the time you would pursue. 


Maybe it's just the space, the space & the time & the energy, you're finally getting enough sleep because you don't have to commute to work, or someone else has inspired you, & you follow them & you watch them. Maybe it's someone that you're really close with & so you're having an intimate connection with a taste of what your dream could be. Your version of that that you're seeing & you're inspired by. 


The big thing that I'm seeing time & time again, is that we have to create that space for ourselves. Or, or like my client yesterday, we have to see when it has been created for us. So right now, may be your time to be brave, & ask bold questions about what you really want, what you really desire, & then go after it. 


Now, sometimes that can feel daunting, I understand that. That's where I can step in & provide you with a framework & a step-by-step process to see clearly & ask these new questions & come up with these (sometimes scary) answers about what it is that you want to do here in this moment, here with this opportunity that either you have chosen to create, or that has been created for you. 


So, let's talk about it. What does October have in store for you if you were to jump on & join The Experience? Which again, I have set up to clarify your direction & take your next best step, your next step forward intentionally & with authenticity.


As some of you know, the Yes& Experience is my newest group program, my only group program to date.

It started in August, & that was my direct result of COVID - my silver lining.

That is not to dismiss the struggles that have also come with COVID & the less than ideal circumstances. However, there are some silver linings & The Yes& Experience is one of them.


I received so many calls from you, from the Yes& community, that you were wanting a little bit more accessible support - especially during this time. That you needed a community space to feel inspired & to be around like-minded individuals who are also dreaming & asking big, powerful questions. That's what the Yes& Experience is all about. 


One client said (& this is after our first week in The Experience together) she said “I love how one exercise took me 12 steps further into what a potential future career shift could look like.” That was just one week into The Experience & now she has now been a member for three months. 


Next, we're looking at clarifying our direction, taking our next-best-step. In August, we set our ideal schedules. In September, we addressed the self-doubt that came up naturally for many of The Experience members. In November, looking ahead, we are aligning our finances with our authentic desires, values, beliefs, unique fears & circumstances. In October, clarifying your direction & taking your next-best-step.


So, let me get into the specifics of this. Just like all Experience months, each week is broken up into a really bite-sized practice.So, the month theme is literally handed to you step-by-step so you never feel overwhelmed. Furthermore, I make them bite-sized, because when it's bite-sized it feels accessible & it also promotes our ability to go deeper into each question & deeper into each activity


So, rather than having a meditation on Monday & a reflective practice on Tuesday & then implement it Wednesday, & then do something else Thursday & come back Friday & then we do it all again next week (which already feels anxiety producing) – we spread it out over the month. It's realizing that we all have busy lives, we all have other things on our plates. 


So, how can we take this into one bite-sized piece, dive really deep into it, get so much insight from it & then feel excited about next week's activity? Because we were wanting more, we crave more, just like the group calls that happen every Friday. They're an hour in length (& we could talk for so many hours together). The community that has come together here is beyond my wildest dreams of incredible individuals coming together, supporting each other & daring to dream bigger


We could talk for hours, but when it's condensed to that one hour, & when we structure it as I do, we take time to celebrate. We take time to reflect. We take time to get more support in the areas that we feel like we have unanswered questions, or we want to hear others ideas into part of our experience. We then leave that conversation with wheels turning, & with a desire to come back the next Friday. 


So, for October specifically, we are starting with the meditation & just that. That is week one. It is a meditation created by me. I just did it yesterday & had some very interesting insights I'm excited to share with the group next Friday, when all of you have done the meditation as well. 


From there, we are taking one bite from that meditation & brainstorming all the ideas of how we can make that happen. From there, we're taking action, just like every month in The Experience, action is such an important part of this process, just like with my one-on-one client work as well. I emphasize that, yes, the insight - the AHA’s - are so fun to experience. But if we don't take actionnothing changes. 


If we don't take what happens in those beautiful hours together, in the beautiful practices that you experience in The Experience, if you don't implement that into your life, there's so much ground that could be covered. There's so much change that could happen, that doesn't happen. & so, we take action during that third week of October’s Experience.


Then we build a support system during the final week together of October's Experience, so that it doesn't end at the end of October. That's something that a lot of Experience members talked about this month, in September, when we addressed self-doubt. People were saying that last week during week three, already, they were saying “How do I maintain this moving forward beyond September? Because it feels so great right now.”


Those fears were bubbling up about:


How do I make this sustainable?

How do I complete this over time? 

What happens in three months when it's the middle of the holidays, & my self-doubt is through the roof because I'm around family that really triggers me in these certain areas?


We build systems & we brainstorm not only how to implement it now, not only how to take action & dream & go after it & clarifywhat feels uncertain right now at the present moment, in the present month - but also how we set yourself up moving forward beyond October, by the end of October. 


I know because I've done it, & I created it. & I've seen the benefits of individuals who have walked through these challenges already, that you will have a direction that not only feels clear, but feels so aligned for what you desire & what you crave.


It feels that mix of excitement & scary because it feels so true to you & get it feels different than something you've ever done before. 


By the end of October, you will also have already taken action toward that aligned direction, you will already have a system & an understanding for what you crave & desire & need moving forward to ensure that this stays top of mind. To ensure that you continue down this clarified path, rather than falling back to something that may be more comfortable, but you already know isn't right for you. 


By the end of October, you could have all of this: the supportive community, the practices step-by-step throughout the month, the clarified direction, the action forward for just $49. So accessible, so easy to say yes to, so much value. Beyond that, beyond that price point, when I was thinking about what I would do if I was in your shoes…


Just the other day I was looking at The Gap, (love The Gap. Love The Gap. In fact, I think everything I'm wearing is from there) & I saw a sweater for $49. I thought “Wow, someone could buy a sweater for $49 OR someone could have clarity on where they're headed nextwhy they're headed there.” A deep understanding of what that means to them what that means to you & you took action toward it in the midst of a supportive community & a supportive coach


I'm not bashing sweaters, please, buy all the sweaters. Abundance mindset, there's always enough, there's always enough & really think about what this could do for you. I am so passionate, I hope that's obvious for you to see.  


I know without a doubt –


if you were to join 

if you're feeling lost 

if you are feeling scattered 

if you are feeling overwhelmed at the opportunities that are in front of you or at the circumstance that you find yourself in 

October’s Experience is for you.


Get that clarity that you're craving, reduce the overwhelm, know your next step. Know what you are about to prioritize, what you want to prioritize, know why & build that support system so that not only in October, but moving forward for the rest of this crazy 2020 year - looking forward to 2021 & all that will come in that year, you will have this foundation that is built in just 30 days for evermore


One last story that I would like to share before closing is the story of one of my clients who entered coaching when she was in the midst of feeling overwhelmed, but there wasn't something specific she could really pin why. Why that felt overwhelming, or what event was off. I bring this story & I love this story because it's really common, I find, for individuals to not quite understand what's off & to label that lack of understanding or lack of clarity as a reason to not enlist support. Which seems a little bit backwards from my perspective. 


However, it also makes sense because we're taught to react to things. We're taught to solve problems & if we don't know exactly what the problem is, then what are we solving in the first place? However, through our work together, we were able to not only clarify what fell off, to clarify what was overwhelming in the first place, but once we let that mud settle, let the dust settle, we saw the picture clearly. We built a foundation of self-trust & self-confidence because of that clarity, in effect of that clarity. & from that foundation, she realized that she wants something different & really big & powerful


She wouldn't have seen that big, powerful vision had it not been for diving into even asking the question of “something feels off & I'm not sure what.”


So, even if something doesn't feel completely awry, even if you don't know exactly what's wrong in an area, it's even more reason to seek support. 


If The Experience feels exciting for you - join The Experience. But any support, I encourage you to enlist any support, if something is feeling a little bit off. Because I've seen, just like that client who let the dust settle, who saw clearly, who built a foundation on self-confidence & self-trust, because she had that clarity.


Then from there, from that fruitful soil, was able to plant the seed & to start growing a big, beautiful dream, her own business, her own vision of what she wants for her life in her career & beyond, in her relationships, in her familial relationships, in her intimate relationships, in the way that she chooses to live her lifestyle. 


This is what's possible for you.


In October, for $49, I would be elated to welcome you to this community of like-minded individuals who are dreaming BIG - who are asking the right questions, questions like:


What's your version of success? 

What do you actually desire? 

Do you actually believe that challenging each other to grow, to do big things, to clarify a direction that excites you & maybe scares you a little bit? 


That's okay. That's good news. & I'm here as your support system all along the way. So, with that, if you're at all intrigued, visit out what this is all about. Listen to what others have said about this Experience. Get your questions answered & then if you still feel that tug on your heart, like something about this feels important, something about this is calling you…Sign up, take the leap. Jump into it. I promise I'm here to hold you, to hold the space, to explore all of October, to get clarity on what 2020 is all about for you. 


What does this all mean? & where are you going next? I wish you the best no matter what you choose to do. Know I'm always here for you for everyone in this community in full support. & if you have any questions when you visit there's also links to contact me directly. I'm happy to talk with you more. 


Until next Tuesday, every Tuesday at 10:30am a Weekly Spark to help you align one step at a time. Your career, your relationships, your lifestyle. I will talk to you then! 


Until then, you know where to find me on Instagram on YouTube. These videos will be happening every Tuesday now, so look forward to those and get on my mailing list so that you can receive replays, and also receive the PDFs that accompany each little mini workshop. 

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