{62} My Begin Again Day

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Today was a Begin Again day.

What does this mean? It means today ended on the opposite side of the universe from where it began. It means I roasted chickpeas twice - because I forgot them in a 400 degree oven for an hour (& a half..) longer than instructed. It means I ate ice cream for breakfast AND had a fantastic workout at noon. It means I went from mindlessly scrolling YouTube to energetically crafting my next big dream.

I was introduced to the concept of “Begin Again” by my mentor Coby Kozlowski in 2014. She invited us to play a game that required frequent restarts - & every time we restarted, we had the opportunity to say “Begin again!”

At times, “Begin Again” was voiced through gritted teeth or frustrated groans. At others, “Begin again!” was cheered with exuberance & zest as if we won the opportunity to play one more time.

Because of Coby, I learned (way more than) two valuable lessons in 2014. First, I can always begin again. & Second, it is my choice to celebrate or dread it when I do.

The minute I journaled the words “today was a begin again day,” I smiled ear to ear. I feel as if today was a gift for me to remember what “begin again” truly means - & what an honor for me to inspire the same empowerment for you.

My Begin Again day reminded me that I am the only one standing in my way. This is also to say: My Begin Again day reminded me I alone am fully capable of creating the extraordinary. Today reminded me that I don’t need an excuse; I do not need a new day, a new year, a different season, nor someone else’s permission to shift. It represented the power of accepting what is AND moving forward. It proved I did not need to burn the rest of my day to the ground - to pop 3 tires just because 1 was flat. Today reminded me that it is never ever too late. There is a world of possibility for me to CHOOSE to experience, or opt out. There is a world of possibility. This morning was not my only option.

How do you feel inspired to begin again? What about this moment feels fantastic, & what about this moment do you choose to shift? May you dare to adopt the belief that you can begin NOW, rather than tomorrow, or next paycheck, or after you obtain the degree? Will you - begin again?

Marin Laukka

As an Alignment Coach, I empower ambitious creators to choose authenticity - so you not only feel confident in your direction & purpose, but experience true happiness, fulfillment, & success while reaching your goals & making an impact.