{50} Career Coaches are missing this CRUCIAL component!

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Recently, I researched what other Career Coaches were saying online. I found a lot of inquiries that resonated with the perspective I share with my clients, but one BIG aspect was missing.

Some verbiage I resonated with:

  • “Not sure what you want for the next chapter of your life or career? Or do you have some ideas but you are not sure how to turn your dreams into reality?”
  • “Perhaps you’ve had a satisfying career, but are ready for a change. Or perhaps you happened into your work, but never felt as if it were your life’s work.”
  • “…Only 30% of Americans feel engaged or inspired at work.”
  • “Most of us have jobs that are too small for our spirits.” - Studs Terkel

That last quote in particular hit me in the gut. Yes. This feeling of being limited, of not reaching potential, of living a life smaller than what could be - is exactly what I felt before I left my PhD program and old workplace, and precisely what so many of my clients speak to before finding clarity & taking aligned action toward work they love.

Although I resonated with many of the “problems” and inspirations discussed on the career coaches’ sites, my head nods in agreement shifted to head tilts in question when I witnessed the same services advertised time and time again:

  • Resume development
  • Career boards
  • Interview strategies
  • Strength assessments
  • Networking skills

In and of themselves, these services are wonderful & needed by individuals throughout our communities. Moreover, some individuals who seek a career coach may be looking for exactly these advertised offerings. If this is not clear already: I am by no means speaking down to these career coaches, their expertise, nor their businesses; they are doing incredibly valuable work.


I deeply believe there is a powerful & essential component missing in most of the current conversations & available resources as career coaches & clients: self-trust, self-exploration, & personal wisdom.

Why do I confidently state personal wisdom as the crucial, missing component from most career discussions? Because a beautiful resume is not helpful if it lands a client in the exact same work they are currently dissatisfied with. An edited cover letter does nothing to speak to someone’s ultimate goals & desires. & the standard interview does not dig under WHY a client is not doing what they’ve always longed to do.

An essential part of the conversation when thinking about career transitions, shifts, & growth is the person centered in that discussion. What is the current discontent? What does it feel like; when does it show up; what values does this illuminate; is there a belief to let go of or adopt? What is the ultimate desire? Where is it already pursued; what are the common roadblocks; what belief fosters the hesitation or action toward the desire?

I sense awareness from those in the work force & in support services that part of our workforce feels discontent, lacks direction, & desires greater fulfillment. For some individuals, resume edits & practice interviews may be the exact tools needed to make the shift. In this case, there are many options to hire a supportive career coach. However - I strongly believe, and have experienced with my own clients, that there is a deeper need for many individuals: to find clarity on what THEY desire, where they are stuck (& why), & an actionable plan toward career fulfillment that fosters personal development in addition to resume development.

I am here to guide you toward life fulfillment, abundance, & satisfaction - which is oftentimes sought through our career. But I will not edit your resume or cover letter. Rather, I will ask: what is it you truly want? Where might you find that? (What is your best guess?) What roadblocks will we work through to guarantee you end up in work you LOVE?

This goes beyond your resume & beyond your interviewing skills. We must start with authentic YOU.

If you would like this level of support in your career inquiry - start by scheduling a FREE 60-minute trial session at yesandbymarin.com/trial-session

Align & experience your full, authentic life.

Marin Laukka

As an Alignment Coach, I empower ambitious creators to choose authenticity - so you not only feel confident in your direction & purpose, but experience true happiness, fulfillment, & success while reaching your goals & making an impact.