Yes& by Marin | Joyfully Financial Speaker + Joyful Budgeting Coach

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{46} Fact = Belief, Belief = Fact?

A table is a table because we decide it to be one.

The fork goes on the left & the knife and spoon on the right because we decide it to be the correct setting.

Although we may consider some things as “fact” (e.g., that is a table), can we also consider the incredible [& total] role our mind, perspective, & belief system play in this vindication?

When we remember a table is a table just because we decide it to be that way, there is the possibility for more. Maybe, once we remember there is more ambiguity to the “table fact” than we initially assumed, we can imagine the table as a dance floor - or as a canvas, or a social connector, or fort supplies, or the income for your dream dress.

When we remember a simple rule book suggests we put the fork on the left - & when we remember this rule book, although influenced by others, is ultimately created entirely by ourself - we may find permission to take pause; what if I didn’t do the “supposed to?” What is better for me? What do I want to do?

I've noticed a recent trend in my client sessions: How can we have complete control of our world, while simultaneously having no control at all? "Is this my victory to celebrate, or is this a blessing from someone or something else?" "Would this have happened regardless, or is this the fruits of my labor?"

Without surprise, my response is “yes, and…”

What if it is both?

This is a table? Fact. This is a table, because societally & historically & personally it has been decided as one. AND. I have complete control to make it whatever I want it to be, as well.

I was fired from my job because I displayed bad character? Yep! And, the business was going under - they were in a pinch for cash, which had nothing to do with you.

Upon being fired, you finally dared to open the cupcake business you’ve dreamed of? Was that your doing, or the universe giving you a nudge, or god opening a door for you? Yes.

Yes to it all.

This mindset thought experiment is beyond fascinating to me, and I LOVE working in this space with my clients. Please comment below, or send me a message, to share how simultaneous fact & belief have showed up in your life. What does this perspective prompt you to question? When have you held a belief as fact, or fact as belief? When were you certain an event was not of your doing - & when were you certain of your complete control?

Could it be yes, and…?