Purpose Driven Day Guided Meditation Tip | 4 of my favorite resources!


Welcome back to another Weekly Spark by Yes&. Last week, we talked about how to enhance your well-being & self-improvement through three journal prompts & one of those journal prompts talked about purpose. Sometimes purpose can feel really heavy & if that's the case, you are in the right place. I am sharing my four favorite resources to tap into your purpose & make it feel way less daunting. 

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    Scroll to the bottom of this page to watch the video, or simply read the transcript below (edited slightly for clarity). 

    By focusing on your purpose, & living a purpose driven life, you are going to gain clarity, confidence & certainty about all your decisions & actions. Just like one of my clients who for years, questioned what to do next with her business. After using one of these resources, she experienced clarity & certainty about her next step, which was to host her first ever wellness retreat & that ended up being a wild success.

    Let's dive right into my four favorite resources to help you experience confidence, clarity & certainty as well purpose driven day meditation. 

    Tip number one is one of my favorite future self-meditations. I was first introduced to this meditation by my original life coaching mentor Coby Kozlowski, who I love dearly, I found the script to this meditation by Deborah Huisken, so giving credit where credit is due. & then I've recorded this meditation for my community for you to utilize & here's why. 


    This meditation is one of my favorites because it provides imagery & clarity as to my direction, which is a synonym in some cases for purpose. It really taps into that component of clarity that so many of us are searching for when we say we want our purpose. We want the North Star to walk toward. In completing this meditation (& I have a bunch of times) as well as leading my clients through this meditation so many times, one of the greatest takeaways is always this clarity about where we're going.


    & in clarity about where we're going, it helps to clarify what to do now, because we're either walking toward that vision or away from it. So, if you're in the stage of trying to live in alignment with your purpose driven day, that you don't even know what that purpose is - this is the meditation to start with. 


    My next favorite resource & tip for living a purpose driven day is another meditation, this time by Madeline Rinehart. She's a fellow YouTuber I found right here on the platform & in fact, I just did this meditation today! I've been completing this meditation & recommending it to my clients since I found it about two/three months ago. It is one of my favorites for living in alignment & feeling the excitement about my purpose in the moment. 


    So, when I'm wanting the energy boost, when I'm wanting to start my day, & really truly live in alignment with the purpose that I've found through that first meditation, I go to Madeline Rinehart. The specific meditation is called Manifest Divine Magic & what I love about it is that she has a power behind her voice. She has that energy that says, “I'm going to live my purpose now, today, & it doesn't feel stressful, it doesn't feel overwhelming. It feels exciting & expansive. It feels like everything around me aligns with what I'm feeling inside, with what I know to be true, with the direction that I have clarified before.” 


    Maybe you've heard the term vibrational match before. This is exactly how I find my vibrational match, especially when I'm feeling like I need a little boost. So, if you have an inkling as to what your purpose is, & you're ready to live a purpose driven day to day, do this meditation & find that vibrational match, find that alignment in this moment with your purpose. 


    The third favorite resource that I have is the last meditation I will be sharing which is by Mary Kate, another fellow YouTuber. You can tell that yes, I make content for this platform & I definitely hang out on this platform a lot. 


    Mary Kate has this incredible meditation that helps you align your chakras with your purpose. She calls it a guided chakra balancing meditation & how this helps you to live a purpose driven day is to clear away the junk that can sometimes get in the way of you living into that purpose. So, unlike that second meditation I shared which really helps us to tap into & align with the upward excited vibrational match energy, this meditation by Mary Kate helps to ground & to really find our home base in our purpose. 


    What I also love about this specific meditation is that it really helps to bring my body into the picture. Why this is so helpful is because if you're anything like me, sometimes we can get stuck in that logistical & analytical side of our brains, which is a beautiful part of ourselves, & sometimes cannot see the big picture. 


    & so, in doing Mary, Kate's meditation, I can tap into my body, I can feel what is here, & I can really, really sense that intuition. So, it's one thing to know what our purpose is (that first meditation), it's another thing to tap into the excitement & the energy of going forth & feeling motivated to pursue our purpose. & then this meditation is to ground & to get a little clarity & confidence about what to do about it now, tapping into that intuition to say, “How will I live my purpose driven day today, in this moment, with the resources I have, with the to do list & the calendar in front of me, in a way that feels grounded that feels good, & again, feels in alignment with that purpose?” 


    So far, we have three purpose driven day meditations, I want to pause before going to the fourth tip today to ask you to comment below - what is your favorite meditation? I genuinely want to know what your favorite meditation is, the want to try it on for size & also share It with this incredible Yes& community.


    Now we have arrived at the fourth tip for living a purpose driven day & this goes a step beyond meditations. Sometimes we want a little bit more guidance. 


    What are we supposed to do?

    How do we step forward?

    What is the first step to walk toward this purpose?


    that can feel sometimes just as daunting as figuring out what the purpose is to begin with. So, my tip & favorite resource for the action aside of your purpose is a free four day mini challenge.


    This mini challenge helps you to balance intention & action. So, in a nutshell, that means you're taking your purpose, the intention of it, the motivation behind that purpose, & then you are applying action to step toward it (but in a balanced way). This is something that often gets missed in the personal development & the manifestation. That community, we need both. 


    We need the intention & the clarity & the competence of what this purpose is, to live a purpose driven day & we need the action steps. We need to implement something to make it come to life, not in a forceful way, not in a way that feels pressured, but rather in this balanced way, where we have both in check. 


    This free four day mini challenge breaks down the “how” behind living your purpose into four bite sized activities that just take 30 minutes. By the end of this four day mini challenge, you will understand why living in alignment with your purpose, living these purpose driven days, are so imperative to your success, fulfillment & happiness. 


    You will also learn the negative side effects & dangerous outcomes that come when we do not align with our purpose driven days. If you're out of alignment with your purpose, you'll learn how to navigate that & exit the misalignment quickly & confidently without any added drama or midlife crisis behavior. Lastly, you will see what is possible for your life if you were to live more purpose driven days. These possibilities include magical opportunities, serendipitous alignments, real change for your life & for the world around you. 


    The possibilities are truly endless & abundant when you're able to tap into this alignment with your purpose & pursue it in a balanced feel good way. This mini challenge is so valuable, it's usually $37. But today, if you start by taking the free quiz that I have below, you will get a free invitation. 


    What the quiz below does is shows you whether you lean toward that action or intention side so that when you walk through the four day course, you know which one to balance, which one to focus, & which one you can trust you have locked in. 


    There you have it, four of my favorite resources & tips for living a purpose driven day through meditations & beyond to have these resources at your fingertips all the links & information you need. 


    Next week we are walking toward that big vision with another video - five killer life coaching questions you can ask yourself. 



    Marin Laukka

    As an Alignment Coach, I empower ambitious creators to choose authenticity - so you not only feel confident in your direction & purpose, but experience true happiness, fulfillment, & success while reaching your goals & making an impact.