{10} Experience your Alignment

yoga show up Authentic alignment yesandbymarin yes& by marin align and experience your full authentic life.png

Sometimes I love embracing the fire - dripping with sweat, & challenging my body to explore new postures.

Sometimes I desire to bask in total calm, melt into my mat, & move s l o w l y from one restorative posture to the next.

Once I stood in tadasana (mountain pose) at the back of the room, slowly lifting my arms overhead (“as if through honey”) while tears streamed down my face ...for the entire class.

I’ve attended candlelight yoga assuming a slow sequence, only to encounter a quick dynamic flow. At first, I pushed myself to keep up. Then, I let go of the need to “achieve” or “be,” & released the belief that there was a right way to practice. I breathed into balasana (child’s pose) & courageously honored my truth.

What is your current experience? Are you experiencing it?

I invite you to show up, just as you are, in whatever practice you find yourself with this week.

  • Maybe your practice is the short yoga flow with yesandbymarin Youtube, following up on your mini-model exploration from last week.
  • Maybe your practice is breathing at your desk for one minute after reading this post: “What is here?”
  • Maybe your practice is watching your spouse in admiration as they delicately button their fall coat before gathering the mail.

Show up. Be present. Honor your truth.

Experience the Benefits of Yoga: Part 2 // Yes& by marin Yoga Last week (Experience the Inquiry of Yoga: Part 1) I offered you an opportunity to EXPERIENCE one of the five benefits of yoga I discussed in the previous week's video: connection to self.

Marin Laukka

As an Alignment Coach, I empower ambitious creators to choose authenticity - so you not only feel confident in your direction & purpose, but experience true happiness, fulfillment, & success while reaching your goals & making an impact.