Do THIS before deciding your goals for 2022 | Positive psychology for goal setting

Do THIS before deciding your goals for 2022 | Positive psychology for goal setting

Unfortunately… You might set goals in 2022 that HINDER your ability to enjoy {& achieve} them; you may follow a goal setting tips for 2022 video that feeds you the very popular & very wrong advice that goal setting requires any ounce of criticism. You know what I’m doing to set myself up for success in 2022? Before setting new years goals, I’m reminding myself of what the feel-good research says: use self-compassion. Watch this video to learn the why & how.

Avoid making the wrong decision

Avoid making the wrong decision

What if I could help you avoid making the wrong decision? ...not in the way you might suspect. Plenty of my coaching clients experience self-doubt with decisions. PLUS, because the fear, "I worry I'll regret my decision," plays so strongly in their minds, they avoid making any decision at all. Or, if they do, they end up feeling guilty about making a decision. Here’s the solution: