Yes& by Marin | Joyfully Financial Speaker + Joyful Budgeting Coach

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How to use positive psychology to improve your life | Authentic woman attempts value-aligned living

Who am I? (& who are you?)

Last week, I introduced the multi-month experiment I will be entering & sharing with you via weekly authenticity vlogs.

The purpose of these videos is to go BEYOND my tutorials for how to use positive psychology to improve your life.

What does it REALLY look like to choose authenticity? What are the implications, benefits & challenges that come along with authentic decision making?

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As I set my ego, Master’s degree pride & professional coaching title aside, I am excited to share my authentic woman experience with you. I officially start my personal development journey this week with a deep dive into a loaded question: Who am I?

By answering this question in one of my first authenticity vlogs, I aspire to create a foundation off which I will return to throughout every future experiment:

A check-in that simplifies how to be my authentic self.

Although you are more than welcome to pour a cup of delicious tea & simply watch my experiment, I also invite you to join me. Make it easy to stay aligned with what you value by completing your own value-based living check-in sheet by entering your email below.

Cheers to week one of my pursuit to capture positive psychology coaching in practice. I sincerely hope my own value-aligned living inspires you to choose authenticity, too.

Watch this week’s authenticity vlog below

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