{76} You Need More Than Preparation

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At some point, we all walk into the arena; We step confidently into the waters’ edge with heads held high, though our heart races, slightly naive to the true magnitude of what is to come. And how beautiful: to be ready enough.

I want to share an image that reminds me of you.

It’s a picture of a woman walking into a deep, powerful ocean - surfboard in hand, shoulders rolled back, eyes on the horizon.

This image reminds me of you, regardless if you’ve surfed before or ever intend to, because what I see in this image is confidence literally in the wake of turbulence & challenge. What I see is power in the midst of uncertainty. I see action & decision, rather than waiting on the shoreline.

I also see what likely came before this image. Pause. Uncertainty. Feeling scattered or overwhelmed or intimidated. & because I sense what precedes this image, as well, I am even more proud & even more passionate to ensure you continue walking into your ocean. Because it matters. You matter. This matters. & although it might be more comfortable, I know you don’t want to return to shore, either.

I am passionate to support you in this image, as you walk into your ocean, because this is when you need support most.

Ironically, it’s common to seek support leading up to our ocean entrance. We naturally anticipate something new is coming - so, on shore, we know to access a surfboard & check for lifeguards & put on a wetsuit & practice what it feels like to stand up on this new foundation.

&, of course, I support many clients prior to their ocean entrance. I emphasize the importance of my support as you walk into the water, however, because once in the water you will be overcome with experience - & you will experience so much more than you could ever prepare for on shore.

In the water, you experience overwhelming pride & joy & expansion & excitement. In the water, you feel fear & doubt & chaos. In the water, you will catch a wave & feel on top of the world - & then get swept away by an unexpected undercurrent.

& in the midst of experience, you might not have the wits you had on shore to remind yourself to breath & utilize the tool you brought with you; to remember the skills you know.

So, I am passionate to be your guide - your voice in the sky - to remind you, & reflect for you, & support you not only leading up to change & new & excitement - but in the midst of change & new & excitement: as you walk into your ocean.

You are fully prepared for whatever you are about to - or have already - walked into. Let’s be darn sure you follow through.

If you're ready to dive in & finally experience your Authentic Success, schedule your free, no-obligation call to learn how Yes& can support you.

Marin Laukka

As an Alignment Coach, I empower ambitious creators to choose authenticity - so you not only feel confident in your direction & purpose, but experience true happiness, fulfillment, & success while reaching your goals & making an impact.