Yes& by Marin | Joyfully Financial Speaker + Joyful Budgeting Coach

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{64} This is Fucking Important

Dear Reader,

You’ve come prepared with a stockpile of excuses: You don’t have enough money, this isn’t the right time, you want to wait until...

& to be frank, reader, I don’t care.

I don’t give a shit about your ancient excuses.

If you’re shocked, maybe this is the first time you’ve spoken with someone (me) who sees beneath the excuse - to what actually matters:

You are scared. You’ve never invested this amount of money in yourself before. It would feel safer if you had “proof” the investment is worth it. The unknown terrifies you. You’re avoiding discomfort.

Let’s get real for a second about what’s going on because I am your coach, & I say with confidence: I love you. I love you, Reader, & because of that I don’t care about your EXCUSES, I care about YOU. I don’t care about the surface shit you tell your coworkers or spew at family events, I care about being the one person in your corner who believes in you & your dreams 1000%.

THIS is fucking important. Today, you are either going to say YES to showing up & finally pursuing what has been yours all along. Or. You’re going to say “no” - “actually, it isn’t the right time; I’m not willing to do the work; I’m fine with life as is.”

Right now, you’re either going to say “YES” or “NO” - & I will not take a half-assed answer in between.

There is a difference between a) desiring to pay off your credit card before making your next big investment, & b) mindlessly repeating the convenient statement: “I don’t have enough money.”

& because I know you, Reader, I know you have enough money - just like you had enough money for your decadent dinner last weekend, or the spontaneous trip to the east coast, or when you hit a deer on the highway & paid your car’s maintenance. So don’t come at me with “not having enough” money, Reader. What’s beneath it?

Do you feel selfish for spending these funds on your own development? Is your father’s voice suggesting you won’t be successful until you’ve saved for retirement? Tell me the good stuff!

Cut the crap & get to the point: are you ready to stop settling & go after what makes you feel alive? Are you going to say YES today, or will you postpone the inevitable yet again?

If one of your friends approached you with an incredible, best-selling book draft, & then proceeded to vomit excuse: “but I’ve never written before, but it’s not done yet, but it’s not perfect, but what if I don’t make any money…” How would you reply? “You’re right, this incredible book will just have to go in the closet, then.” ? Bullshit. You’d drag them by the ear to your other friend, who is a publisher, & jump & scream & cheer until they took notice of this stellar work.

Set down your excuses. We can say them for entertainment, but ultimately I don’t care. And if you were honest, nor do you. You & I both know they’re bullshit. They’re rehearsed lines you tell yourself in the middle of another long workday. You’ve mislabeled them as friends because they ease your cognitive dissonance; they justify why you’re STILL not doing what you actually want to be doing.

I am your friend, Reader - your excuses are not. I believe in you, & I know - I feel it - you believe in you, too.

It is up to you to fall back on the lines you’ve relayed for years or make a different choice. Do you want to remain in the illusion of comfort surrounded by excuse? Or will choose fierce support & a life more daring?