Yes& by Marin | Joyfully Financial Speaker + Joyful Budgeting Coach

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{30} Experience the Benefits of Yoga: Of course

When the weather was a little warmer & the trees full with fall colors, I recorded a short yoga sequence on my apartment rooftop. My original plan was to walk to a nearby park, but I changed filming locations due to a time crunch.

At the end of the sequence, I closed my eyes and felt an overwhelming amount of gratitude and amazement toward life. “Of course,” I thought. Of course I can do yoga on my rooftop - even though I hadn’t done so prior to that moment, and only thought to do so because I was short on time. Of course a twenty minute sequence can be impactful - even if my typical mindset prompts me to move for sixty. Of course outside air is vital to my wellbeing - which felt obvious as my mood shifted from stress to total abundance.

I felt pride & gratitude as Serena reported personal benefit from a mid-day movement practice, as well. I would love you to experience the same. Yesandbymarin YouTube, “Experience the Benefits of Yoga: Part 2.”

Align & experience your full, authentic life.