Yes& by Marin | Joyfully Financial Speaker + Joyful Budgeting Coach

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STOP Your Mind from Spinning with 1 Easy & Fun Practice

Stop your mind from spinning! Have you ever thought, “I have too many thoughts going through my brain!”

You’d do anything to stop your mind from overthinking, stop your mind from racing, & unscatter your mind… If you’ve had too many thoughts you can’t sleep, or too many thoughts you can’t focus your mind on what you want, I have one easy & FUN exercise to organize your mind chatter and make a clear decision.

From one perspective, you may refer to this activity as mental clarity journaling or a journal to clear your mind - but this is far more entertaining than writing words on a page.

This activity invites you to journal for focus by considering what CHARACTERS live inside your head. Before you think, “Marin, that’s far too weird…” - let me assure you, this is easily one of my coaching clients’ favorite activities.

By creating caricatures of the voices inside your head, you will feel excited to journal to organize your thoughts; you will journal to unscatter not only for a clear mind and to make a well-informed decision - but to find compassion & laughter with your wonderful self.

Stop your mind from spinning & download your caricature exercise below!

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