Become the Best Version of Yourself Meditation + Let it Go and Move On Coaching Exercise


This meditation will serve you in two ways: as a “let it go and move on” coaching exercise AND as a guided meditation for living in the present moment.

Because you’re ready to restart in 2022.

You proclaim, if only in the safety of your journals, “I want to be a new person.”

And guess what? The world is ready for you, too.

Ready for you to step up & own who you are TODAY, not who you were yesterday or last year.

To not only learn coaching to let go of the past, but fully embody how to begin again in 2022.

Receive even more support:

Maybe you’ve already googled, “let it go and move on coaching exercise” or “how to let go life coach.” Google results suggest these are both popular phrases, which means you are not alone.

…Maybe they’re so popular because learning how to forget the past and move on with your life takes a holistic formula. It’s not just about knowing you want to change; it’s not just about asking for why can’t I let go of the past coaching help.

While today’s meditation is only one piece of the holistic puzzle, it’s a big piece.

And it’s a FUN piece.

This meditation is for women to level up in business - or in whatever your unique pursuit may be.

As a become the best version of yourself meditation, this may be one of my favorite meditations shared on yesandbymarin YouTube to date.

Use this as a find the new you meditation, embrace a new season meditation & a new me 2022 meditation to at last leave the old you behind & stand confidently (excitedly) in who you are TODAY.

Click below to watch. Then, subscribe to yesandbymarin YouTube for videos every Tuesday!


Marin Laukka

As an Alignment Coach, I empower ambitious creators to choose authenticity - so you not only feel confident in your direction & purpose, but experience true happiness, fulfillment, & success while reaching your goals & making an impact.