Yes& by Marin | Joyfully Financial Speaker + Joyful Budgeting Coach

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How to Transform SELF-DOUBT to SELF-CONFIDENCE in 15 Minutes

What if you could transform all of the self-doubt - those limiting beliefs that keep us stuck in thought circles? What if you could take those false expectations about what should be & finally transform them into self-confidence, that true elation & therefore pursue & get unstuck to experience your greatest potential.

Sounds like a lot, especially a lot to work through in four journal prompts, but that's exactly what I'm helping you do today. Just like my full founding experience member shared,

“I illuminated the various voices that have been seeking my attention, rather than resist. I feel I heard what each had to say, & feel I have more peace & clarity in my direction.”

Pretty sweet, right? That's what's possible for you in just 15 minutes, just four journal prompts, & I'm walking you through them today. There is an accompanying PDF for you to download these four journal prompts, & you can see them as we walk through them together.

Scroll to the bottom of this page to watch the video, or simply read the transcript below (edited slightly for clarity).

All right before diving in. Who am I? My name is Marin Laukka I am the owner of Yes& & I empower women to work through limiting beliefs & false expectations of what should be, so they can align with their true desires & values & step into their greatest potential so they can make their positive impact & experience true fulfillment, basically, get rid of the junk.

Again, not by ignoring, not by suppressing, but by working through & transforming it so that you can show up unapologetically as who you really are & what you really care about & make your positive impact on our world that only you can make. Which feels incredible, once you get there. I have gotten there, I've seen so many of my clients get there, so many of my Experience members are getting there now, after a few months in The Experience. & it is your time, today you can take one step.

Let's dive right in, the first journal prompt is to name a doubt, we're starting with the doubt before transforming it, makes sense. I want you to think of this doubt. Bring it to the surface, articulate it, write it out, speak it out, journal doesn't necessarily have to be pen & paper - maybe you record it into a voice recorder into your phone.

Then think, if a friend approached you with this doubt, how would you respond? What would you say to them? Just observe, stay curious. Maybe tag that friend in this video & you can work through it together & see if what you would say to them would be helpful. Or maybe they're having a similar doubt, sometimes that happens.

The second prompt is to list five other possibilities. What else could be true, rather than that doubt that you proclaimed in the first prompt. So, let's give some examples here, this doubt section. Let's say I am filming a video. Let's say I'm putting myself out there & I doubt that I'm going to look too young or not be taken seriously. Hmm, maybe I've had that in the past.

If a friend approached me & said “I'm not going to do this thing, because I'm too young & I'm not going to be taken seriously.” I would say to him or her, I'd say “Well, you don't know that for sure.”

I would probably just brainstorm with them & naturally go into that second prompt & say, “Well, what else? What else could be true?” My coaching is automatically coming out in me.

What else could be true? Well, it could be that someone who is my age or younger is really excited that someone who looks like them, who is similar to them, is speaking about these topics that are typically reserved for (in this limiting belief) older populations. It could be that I'm actually taken more seriously, because “How did she figure this out at such a young age?”

It could be that no one thinks of my age, they don't even think twice, which has definitely happened in a lot of my workshops & I've worked with a lot of my coaches, obviously, through this limiting belief & that's what we've kind of concluded - it doesn't matter.

Let's think of one more just for fun. What else could be true? It could be true that I find a great Kula online. A kula is a yoga term for a community who jives with my style, who really appreciates my approach & who are very similar in nature to me. So, not only are other people interested in what I'm talking about, but I become connected with others who are also in very similar circumstances & we empower each other to grow & expand in bigger & greater ways.

None of that would have happened if I had followed that limiting belief, that doubt that it was not going to be okay, that there was something wrong with what I was about to do.

Alright, there's prompt one & two. If you're having an “aha” moment already, like this video, again, it really helps with the algorithm.

Prompt three, think of a time you felt wildly confident. What were you doing? & what did that competence feel like? Not only emotionally, but physically & think about your surroundings. So, really take yourself back to a time in your life where you felt so confident & in the moment, potentially, you didn't even realize it but in hindsight, you're thinking, “Wow, that was so bold of me, that was so brave of me” or just reflecting back on that time in your life with fondness.

Comment below, I'd be really interested to hear what time this was or what it felt like for you.

The fourth & final prompt is: What is one word, phrase or image that would take you back to that experience? How can you build that? How can you take yourself back to that experience as part of your regular routine, if only for the next few days? So, we're building the self-confidence - not only in this moment, but reminding ourselves now that we've done the work here to return to it moving forward.

So again, I'll give an example this time of competence. A time I felt wildly confident. Definitely on the dance stage. I grew up dancing & in hindsight, it almost doesn't make sense. & maybe this you resonate with this as well. I never thought twice about it, I had solos, I was up on stage alone, I had parts where I was the center of attention on the stage. I performed so many times in huge basketball arenas, on theater stages, at competitions, & I never doubted myself in those situations, even though it was challenging. Even though we were being judged - literally scrutinized, as we were there. I just felt in my element.

So, to answer the second part of that third prompt, what did it feel like? For me, it felt expansive, definitely the most expansive that I think I've ever felt still today is on the dance floor. I felt without worry, I wasn't in my mind. I didn't have those, not only limiting beliefs, but any thoughts to hold me back or to keep me out of the present moment. I felt fully there.

A word, phrase, or image or something that might be able to bring me back to this moment is something dance related. So, I have a few new leotards in my closet, because I'm getting back into it. Definitely, it's time. Maybe if I hang one of those at the forefront of my closet so that I can see it every time I go to change clothes or right before bed or right now because I can see my closets - I can look at those leotards & that reminds me of what confidence feels like & to step more into that feeling.

So of course, bring this back to you. What is a feeling & experience when you felt so confident, so wildly confident, & think of what it felt like. Again, not only the emotions, the feelings in your body, but think of the circumstances. Think of how you showed up, what your body was like, what your energy was, like, maybe who was around you. Then think of how you can incorporate that, how you can remind yourself of that in your day to day life for even just the next 24 or 48 hours.

So, there you go, four journal prompts. We start with one & two, by addressing the self-doubt - again, not eliminating it, not suppressing it. A common misbelief in Positive Psychology is that Positive Psychology focuses solely on the positive, which makes sense seeing that it's named Positive Psychology.

However, a more accurate description of what this field encompasses is well-being. Well-being absolutely includes both the positive & the negative experiences. Positive Psychology & well-being is our opportunity & our ask, our aim, to experience all of life - the doubt & the confidence. & so that's why today, we have both elements at play. We start by addressing that doubt. We think of “Okay, what would I tell a friend?” we think of what else could be true & then we shift into “when have I experienced competence & how can I step more into that?”

I'm very interested to hear about your experience. I gave a few cues throughout the video, give this a like, comment below, especially a time that you felt very confident. I would love to hear that.

Video Length: 11 minutes & 10 seconds

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