Yes& by Marin | Joyfully Financial Speaker + Joyful Budgeting Coach

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{79} When it doesn't matter, let go.

Dear Reader,
It is Wednesday at 10:38am, & I realized this morning why I originally scheduled my “writing day” for Monday instead of today: I hadn’t yet prepared this week’s Weekly Spark.
I admit, when I realized this this morning, I felt myself getting anxious & worried my readers would be let down, that you needed my consistency now more than ever, & that I had failed.
I admit, I played an old story that suggested I was not good enough & should have spent last evening writing instead of going for a run.

I share with you the inner workings of my mind this morning, openly & loudly, for two reasons:

  1. To remind us that we are all human, &
  2. To remind us that sometimes, it just doesn’t matter.

My assumption is that many of you didn’t even realize I hadn’t sent my Wednesday 8am CT email. My assumption is those who did, didn’t really care. & My trust, is those who cared are exactly the ones who need to hear the following thought piece most:

We write rule books & create structure because they’re helpful; our mind automates brain power so we do not have to think about breathing.
Structure is glorious - & I laugh as I type this because some of you have seen my calendar. I love structure.
And. The beauty about rules & consistency & goals, is they start & end with us.

To begin shifting my old storyline this morning, I wrote a piece of gratitude; I felt grateful that I wasn’t being reprimanded by a boss due to my late newsletter.
I also considered what it would look like if this were my reality: I’d push back, & question why 8am Wednesday morning was the crucial hour. I’d point to the fact that I still completed it by Wednesday evening. I’d suggest, maybe, there was a purpose to changing it up; that it perfectly correlated with what was going on in our world.

I’d ask, “why.” What is the reason? What is our core purpose, & is an automated 8am Wednesday newsletter the life or death of it?

Thereafter, I answered my hypothetical question: What is the purpose of The Weekly Spark?
It is to send you love notes & fiery encouragement to do what ignites your spirit.
The point is to share perspective & thought-provoking questions that guides clarity & direction.
The point is for me to show up regularly for YOU, as a reminder that I am here cheering for you, always.

None of this is dependent on an 8am Wednesday newsletter.

It is my hope that in sharing my personal story about a relatively unimportant business matter has inspired you to consider the “why” behind some of your own rules & structures.
I hope this 3pm newsletter inspires you to color outside of the lines every now & again.

What if lessening the stress in your life was as easy as choosing not to care about things that don’t matter?
What if you gave yourself permission the break the rules, just once, so your shoulders could relax & you could take a full breath?
What if you trusted the world would not end if you missed your deadline, or waited one more day to reply to that email, or chose to rest instead of grind another hour?
How might these choices be the most productive, expansive, & life-giving actions you make this week? & although this isn’t guaranteed, will you dare to try, nonetheless, knowing there is a chance at something greater?